Beginning (Phil what the fuck)

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Tommy was just minding his own business and walking down the prime path while munching on a muffin.(legally bought for once)

When he got a ping on his communicator from his father figure.

Ph1lzA: tommy can you meet me and a few others at the hub portal

Tommyinnit: sure but wy te fuck do u ned me thete big man

Ph1lzA: come on m8 its important

Ph1lzA: Tubbo is coming

Tommyinnit: O N MY WY BG MAN

Ph1lzA: of course you come for Tubbo

Tommy arrived at the hub portal and saw a group of fifteen of his friends. (And family)

"Tubbo why did you bring Michael‽"

Tommy turned to see Tubbo and Ranboo walking up from snowchester.

"because he wanted to come and why not sexyyy~~"

Tommy laughed at boob boy's reaction to Tubbo's comment.
(His face was glowing a light purple and his tail was wagging)

"hey bitch."

Tommy jumped a little as a voice spoke next to his ear he turned and glared at his platonic boyfriend.

"Alright since everyone is here I better explain why I called you here."

Tommy bit back his reply as his dad began speaking.

^∆^∆^ so Phil basically filled them in on the bnha server experiment and said that a player had spawned in so they were going to head there in a week

After Phil explained what that were doing Tommy turned around and gave his alien bitch a hug.

Suddenly the hum of a command block filled everyone's ears.

"Boob boy, Tubbo come over here bring Michael!"

Tommy shouted as he felt the effects of teleporting start.

He grabbed his platonic boyfriend and ran to his friends as everyone else grouped together.

Just before he could reach his best friends a loud ringing filled his ears and he was blinded by a bright purple light.


Tommy was spat out on hard ground still clinging to Purpled.

As he sat up he looked around and noticed that he wasn't in any server he knew of.

There were teens scattered about the field he landed in.

He didn't know where he was so he said the first thing that came to mind.

"Where the fuck are we‽"

Izuku watched as one of the figures sat up their hand clutching the sweater of the person next to them.

Tenya had run to go get the pro heroes and inform them of the attack.

As the rest of the class got into a defensive circle with their backs to each other Izuku saw the blond person who spoke cling to three figures.(one was shorter than him by a few inches, one was the same height as the blond,and the last was freakishly tall and seemed to be holding a bundle of blankets)

Izuku fired up one for all as he saw one of the figures approach the front of the group.

The man had smile lines along his eyes and medium length blond hair and seemed to be Waring a dark green jumper with blue jeans and a light blue fur coat.

He also had a green striped bucket hat and a ton of earrings.

The mans belt was black with a red heart on the buckle.

The strangest thing was the large black cloak draped across his back that appeared to be made of feathers.

Izuku didn't know what the man and his companions wanted at U.A because he didn't give the energy of a villain there was no malicious intent on his face.(ha this man has killed thousands poor innocent Izuku)

Izuku was startled when the man spoke in a kind tone that reminded him of his mother.

"Hi mate we mean no harm could you tell us where we are?"


Ack I've been assaulted by raccooninnit fluff.

Read Little Golden Snowstorm by Archer_V_Deadman on ao3 I have died from the fluff

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