Purpled and his raccoon are cracked(chonk boi again)

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Originally called 1-A meets a feral raccooninnit

*'*'* broccoli boi time

Izuku studied at the obstacle course in fascination.

There were so many jumps and dodges and traps it looked like a hellscape.

Most of his classmates were starting in horror at the course. (Hanata and Ojiro were noticeably excited)

But Izuku saw that three of the strangers had perked up upon seeing the hellish course.(the one in the neon green hoodie, the one in a purple hoodie and the raccoon looking one)

all might explained that they were to practice on the course for the rest of the day.



Izuku was completely exhausted after three attempts at the course.

The strangers hadn't gone yet and seemed to just be studying the course.

The class filed out for lunch along with four of the strangers. (The other three stayed behind to do the course and told them to bring back something for them to eat)

As they walked to the cafeteria Izuku heard the strangers talking about something.

He decided to not listen in because he didn't want to be rude.(good boy Izuku good boy)


Purpled ran along the course laughing loudly as he and His beloved chased down Dream launching themselves through the course at speeds that would be impossible for most humans time and time again, completing it once and sprinting back to the start always three steps behind their target.

They were still playing their extreme game of tag when one of the teachers came round the corner to use the course themself.


Hizashi was not expecting this, not at all.

He was heading over to U.A's obstacle course to train until his next class.

The obstacle course was the one of the best with only a few others like it in the world, with jumps that would be impossible for most heroes and many of the parts moved at random intervals switching the track around so it was completely different every time you went through.

Hizashi was proud to say that he and his husband has the top scores for the U.A staff at two minutes thirty two seconds each.

Both of them went on the course at least once a day to keep their place at the top.

He knew 1-A was using it today and was hoping to get on the course before they got back from lunch.

Shouta had informed him that some of the strangers were at the course, but he wasn't expecting them to be flying through the course at speeds only he and Shouta could have matched.

as he watched he realized that the three blonds were playing some sort of tag with the eldest being mere milliseconds ahead and the younger ones chasing him with furious determination.


Tommy skidded to a halt as he saw another blonde round the corner of the courtyard.

Purpled stopped behind him and Dream slowed down to see what had happened.

The teacher (Tommy recognised him as Present Mic) looked at them in confusion for a solid minute.


He saw the hero grin.

Dream took off running and the three were right on his tail.


Hizashi was no longer suspicious of the strangers as he ran after the man in green and his new teammates cheered and laughed loudly. (He had found kindred spirits in these three)

He grinned as he let out a shout.

He almost stopped because he had used his quirk but none of the others had been hurt and his teammates had instead let out shouts of their own as they chased the wheezing man in green.


Tubbo didn't like lunch.

Not to say the food was bad it was the best fucking food he's had since he got here.

But his new classmates were less than thrilled at his entry and the announcement that he and the others would be tagging along with them for the day.

He and Ranboo had sat by themselves for the beginning of lunch but Sapnap and George had joined them soon after they got their food.

As they were laughing at a picture George had shown them Shoto and two of his friends came up to them. (The picture was from Sapnap's first date with his fiancès )

 (The picture was from Sapnap's first date with his fiancès )

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Not my- no wait it is my art this time :D

Tubbo greeted Shoto with a smile and a nod.

^∆^∆^you'll get this interaction later ;)


Shoto walked out of the cafeteria with his friends following close behind.

Tubbo was running a bet on if Tommy and Purpled had caught dream yet.

gogy and sap were chatting with Izuku.

Tenya and Ranboo were just chilling.


Shouta Aizawa didn't have enough coffee for this.

The one thing he wasn't expecting was to find three strangers and his husband flying through the obstacle course seemingly in a game of tag.

So of course that what he and his class found when they arrived back in the courtyard.

He didn't even know that someone could jeep up with him and his husband but here he was watching four blondes taunt each other while on the hardest obstacle course in Japan.



Michael watched the scary man search for him frantically.

He didn't like him and didn't know why his dad let this idiot babysit him.

On a completely unrelated note there was now a nest of blankets and gold on top of the bookshelf in the teachers lounge.


Sorry for taking so long to update ;-;

I promise you that I'll try and get one last chapter out before I go on my family trip.

But anyways how are you enjoying this so far?

Also a small reminder to go back to the important lore chapter to look at the changes made!

I have been updating it that way small little details like Tubbo's scar and such make more sense.

Thank you for reading terrene.

-Lei <3

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