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"How did I let this happen?"

"You didn't, Archie..."

"But I did. I really did."

The two detectives sat in the apartment, Hazel slouched, practically laying back on the couch with her notebook on her lap while Archie sat on the chair beside her, keeping check of her temperature and making sure she didn't do anything she shouldn't.

She had left the hospital only a few hours ago, it was Monday night and she spent the majority of the day with the boys who seemed to think she was more important than school. Eventually, she was deemed healthy enough to be let out, though she didn't feel it.

It was far too quiet, yet they didn't notice it, not over the sound of their softened voices. All they could do was worry. There was so much for both of them to think about, there was so much for both of them to do.

"I did it to myself, I'm an idiot. So don't blame yourself, please."

He sighed, resting his head in his palms while the girl flicked through the notebook. He was quiet, lost in his head like she was most days. It looked as though they had swapped places.

"How did you even find that place? Why would you go alone without telling me?" He shook his head in disbelief, she had told him about the hotel as well as the evidence from Jason's house. He, obviously, wasn't impressed by the latter. Nor was Roderick when he found out. "Did you find anything else?"

"A few things," she admitted. "But, I didn't want you to worry. I thought I'd be fine, a bit cold and tired, sure... but I didn't think I was in a state as bad as I was to pass out from exhaustion."

He didn't say anything for a moment. He just sat and frowned at his legs while leaving her to think, growing wary in the silence that grew around them.

"I don't think it's them," Hazel said, filling the deafening silence with her own voice. "I have the evidence it's not, it's unlikely. But there's another guy, Ricky-"

"Hazel, please!" Archie snapped, his head lowered but his voice raised as she suddenly jolted back, shocked by his response. "I don't want to think about this damn case anymore, I don't want you to think about it. Just stop working for ten minutes! It was a mistake to take this one."

"I- you- we-" She glanced around, her eyes moving around the room in a frenzy of confusion. "How am I supposed to stop? What am I supposed to do? I don't have ten minutes! Do you realise how much time I've wasted already? I could be seconds away from being exposed! I already hate this life, Archie, if I lose anything else, I don't know what I'll have left!"

He fell silent, not lifting his head from his palms, but he seemed to be gathering his mind as he took deeper breaths, calming himself. He knew that he shouldn't have snapped, he shouldn't have let his emotions get the better of him, but he did, and it was only worsening his stressed state of mind.

"I'm sorry... I- I didn't mean to snap. Just... I've been so worried about you and I'm hardly seeing you anymore. You were gone for two whole nights and I had no idea where you were. I thought the case had finally gotten to you, I just- I don't know..."

She fell silent this time, her mind racing with one thought and one thought only. He glanced up, watching her stare down at her hands. She seemed pale, still tired. Even when she seemed okay, she was still lost. Every moment she spent in silence was another moment she spent in her head.

"I don't want to be a detective anymore."


"I don't want to be a detective... I'm going to go see Roderick on Thursday. Tomorrow, I'm going to tell the boys the truth, I'm going to apologise to Stewart and I'm going to hand in my notes. I can't do it anymore. There's nothing left. This entire thing has ruined me. You said it yourself, taking this case was a mistake and I think it's going to get me killed if I don't stop."

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