Case Log- Entry 6

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IF ANYBODY EVER SEES THIS NOTEBOOK, JUST KNOW THAT I'M SORRY, I FEEL REALLY BAD ABOUT WHAT I DID (and don't question why this is written on a piece of paper with algebra on the back, I don't have my notebook and this was all I had in my bag.)

I am officially a hypocrite. I chase criminals, I complain when my house is broken into, I get people arrested... and what did I just do? I broke into the house of a family who lost their kid.

My moral compass couldn't even tell the difference between North and South anymore, let alone good and bad. It's just spinning.

But, as horrifying as that was, I can make some confirmations and hopefully progress in this case. If I convince myself I did this for the sake of finding Jason, I feel a little better. Only a little.

Jason definitely had drugs at one point, I could smell it in the shoebox under his bed. So, that is one connection to this drug dealer lead Ryan gave me. But, an even bigger connection is the note I found in the box. Again, Southblock Hotel has been linked to this and I wish there was more about what happened there when so many drugs were initially found stored there.

The lack of evidence is infuriating.

But I'm finally getting somewhere. Jason was likely involved in what happened there, so I think I need to go back and thoroughly search the place.

For now, I want to try and decipher these other notes I found in the box. I assume they're also drug related, but they're so vague that I doubt I'm going to learn anything from them, they might just be a waste of time. But it's worth looking at for at least ten minutes.

I'm going to hold off on going to the hotel for now. Maybe in a day or so, I will go back. But with the risk of my identity, the threats I'm getting and the fact that I'm still sweating over breaking into Jason's house, I don't think I could handle the stress. That could be the tipping point.

As a final unrelated note and more as a reminder to myself, I should definitely avoid Amelia. Sure, she had a cute baby voice when she was talking to the cat at Jason's house, but now I know she was the person to throw Leo's shoes, I don't want to take any risks. She hates me without a doubt and anything she has planned for me in her revenge arc will likely be bad.

(I should also be extra careful with the threats I've been getting, but compared to Amelia, I think that's nothing in comparison.)

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