Case Log- Entry 7

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I am bustling with questions, answers and feelings and I need to write it down before I lose my sanity.

There is so much that I still don't know in all of this, things that are probably going to stay unsolved for a long time. Those notes in Jason's room don't make any more sense to me now than they did before.

R- W

A- C

S- C

A- W

I still think they could be related to drugs considering they were hidden in a box likely used for storing them. I think it was where he kept track of what he sold and who he sold to. The likeliest story is that the letters correlate to names and specific drugs bought, maybe regular buyers. However, I can't make assumptions about evidence like this, so guessing the names isn't a good idea. Jason probably knew exactly what each of these meant and that information could only come from his memory alone. I don't have that handy, unfortunately.

There's the issue of the threat in my locker, too.

'No turning back now'

If this means what I think it means, then I've gone too far. Even if I decide to drop this case now, I'm probably still going to be in danger. Whoever is doing this wants me to see it to the end and that could be just as dangerous, potentially risking that I end up like Jason. Missing.

I'm scared.

I don't have control over this case anymore. They somehow know my every movement, from when I'm at school to when I'm at home, they know what evidence I have, who I follow and where I go. They probably already know that I saw them at the hotel, so going there again will be pointless. If all hints of action there is gone, I won't be surprised.

And I know how this looks...

The boys are with me all the time, they would know, they would see. But I don't believe it, it still doesn't make sense. Especially not now that I know them. They're too good of people even if they come across as sharp and mean at first, they are nice and I'll hold that belief until I die (which could be soon with the way things are going. RIP me I guess)

Oscar did, however, give me some information earlier today that still makes me feel uneasy.

Ricky was seen following me. Of course, Oscar is the only person who had seen it, but I believe him. And again, I'm stuck. I think he might have been a friend of Jason's, but I can't find proof of that other than small notes and mentions of him. There's no trace of him on social media, not in any photo's from Jason's page, nowhere. It could be more manipulation of evidence, but I need to be certain before I can go accusing him.

Ryan mentioned that they used to be best friends, that he was jealous of Jason and Amelia then jealous of Ryan- that could be a motive. Maybe it was a plot brought through too many horror movies. He will kill Jason (or whatever happened to him, I'm still not fully sure) and he will earn Amelia's love. Only, it didn't work out and instead she turned to Ryan, the more popular of the pair.

If that's the case, then I can't help but worry for Ryan. Maybe that's why I was lead towards him initially, because Ricky had the evidence, the answers and could manipulate it to look like it was Ryan instead. Is Ryan in danger?

I want to tell them all the truth about all of this, warn them or something. They will probably hate me for it, but if it's to keep them safe then that's fine. Only, if everything I do is known and I'm being watched closely by whoever this is, that will only bring them more danger.

I need to focus.

Ricky might not be involved yet. He is all over the place with what he says and does, it feels like it's too obvious. If he really is responsible for this, he would try to keep a low cover and stay out of trouble, not threaten me continuously. He could be the person slipping notes into my locker, or it could be somebody I haven't even looked into yet, a teacher, another student? I don't know. But if it is Ricky, that again doesn't make any sense. That would imply he knows exactly who I am, so why would he make himself so known to me and cause trouble?

Is it a mind game? Is he just an idiot? Or is it something I haven't considered yet?

I'm losing my miiiiiiind

It doesn't make sense.

I need to think about other leads, but my mind keeps going back to Ricky because he's so confusing. It's entirely possible it is him, but it's also not. Maybe he is smarter than I give him credit for.

For the sake of my sanity, I will move on and every time I mention Ricky again, I'm going to make Archie a coffee. Consecutively. It doesn't matter if he has one already.

Daniel Thompson.

He was the guy I got arrested and as a consequence, also got Ryan's dad arrested. (Sorry Ryan, you'll never see this but I'm putting it down in writing too for brevity.)

As it turns out, Daniel got out of prison last year. I still don't know where he is, what he's doing or how exactly he ties into this, but he was originally arrested for distributing drugs and I only managed to catch him because I happened to see him on a street corner and told Roderick about it. I don't know what happened at the court case to get him so few years, I guess that's just the legal system. But coincidentally, drug crime rates have risen in the past year in the South specifically and it's probable that he's one of the causes of that.

I still haven't witnessed any drug related crimes, any parties or places I thought Jason was involved in, Ricky (that's one coffee) might be involved and be consciously avoiding those things because of Jason, but they would be hard to spot to begin with. I did see one, which is what brought me to Daniel originally.

At the hotel I saw a drug deal. I couldn't see any faces through the dark, but one was called Dan. Maybe it's Daniel Thompson, maybe it's somebody else. Daniel, unfortunately, is a common name. But then, Leo's shoe, or what I suspect was Leo's stolen shoe, was thrown and likely placed just to put more attention on the group if the hotel was investigated.

Again, Ricky (two) could have gotten the shoe. It could have been him. But how am I supposed to follow any leads when I'm being watched?

No matter what, I need to investigate Ricky (three) further.

Side note-

Archie just asked why I gave him three mugs of coffee and he will never know. I'm satisfied.

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