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"Where'd the interview recordings go?"

"They're not in there?"

"No," Hazel said, feeling the warmth of the sun on her, a rare occurrence in this city, as she rummaged through a folder with Archie trailing beside her.

It was Thursday, her day off. Not that she would be taking any breaks. It wasn't in her nature. But she could have and probably should have. She had a plan in her mind prepared for the day, as did Archie. But already things were taking a turn for the worse as she tried to keep herself organised and make sure she had everything she needed, only to discover that she hadn't.

"I swear I put the pen drive in here. I hadn't taken it out."

"Maybe you don't remember," Archie suggested, trying to make sense of it as he kept a hand on her back to make sure she didn't walk out into the middle of the road as she searched, entirely distracted by her folder. "You've not had much sleep recently. You could have taken it out while you were in a daze. It's probably at home."

"Hmm..." She frowned. "That sucks. I hate forgetting things."

"I'll look for it later. Don't stress too much or you'll get sick, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, Archie," she said, paying attention to her steps once again. "I must have dropped it or something this morning when I was going over everything."

Sure, Hazel was working even at five in the morning, but as lunchtime passed and she glanced over the address written on the back of her hand, she felt her day grow a little more lively. The sun was bright, there were fewer grey clouds to shield the sky's blue tint and the sound of life during lunch grew the closer they got to the cafe.

"I need to go this way," Archie said, pointing down a street as he went to head towards a pharmacy, keeping the day organised by doing their general daily life tasks while Hazel focused on the case. It was always odd when it happened, especially when conversations shifted from murder to groceries within a span of five minutes.

"Okay dokay," Hazel nodded, beaming up at Archie, "have a nice day, Archibald."

"See you later, Hazelnut."

With that, they split.

It admittedly felt strange to go to the cafe on a Thursday and not have to work. It was weird to approach the place at lunch rather than through the early morning. But there she was. Students passed her, dressed in their school uniform as they made their way towards town for their lunch. Meanwhile, she walked to the cafe, a little lost in her head as she went over her plan for the day.

She was smart enough to arrive at the cafe for late lunch, knowing that most students would have been and gone or gotten their places. It was far less busy during the later hours of lunch. But it was still somewhat lively compared to the usual silence.

And then she was engulfed by it.

She stood in the cafe, barely noticing the shift in scenery after getting a little lost in her head. Around her, kids laughed and ate, the clinking of forks against plates rang in her ears, the smell of coffee and cake was filling her up and the warmth from the glowing cafe made her once cold skin tingle.


She smiled, turning to the counter where Stewart stood patiently waiting for customers. His smile was warm, a little less stressed than the usual one too which was good to see.

"How are you? You getting rest?"

She approached, shrugging as she tried to be as honest as she could be.

"When do I ever?

"Got plans then?"

"Yup, I got some work in the area."

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