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"Who are you working for?"

"I'm not saying shit until I get a lawyer."

"If you just work with us, we can help each other out."

"Yeah, what will you help me with? Going to jail?"

Robin stood, her arms crossed from behind the glass which to the pair on the other side looked like nothing more than a mirror. She stood silently in the darkened room, watching and waiting to see if he would say what she was hoping wasn't the truth.

But, it seemed he wasn't saying anything.

Ricky didn't make anything easy, nor did Daniel Thompson. The police who had spoken to him tried to be nice, they tried to ease him into conversations. But he wouldn't take anything. Daniel just stayed completely silent. It was infuriating.

It was late, she was still exhausted and it had only been two hours since the baseball game came to an end for her. Yet, she was forced to work. They could only keep Ricky in for questioning for so long. Sure, they could charge him for the murder, but she didn't want that. She didn't want to see him take the fall for something when there was a chance he was manipulated into it by whoever organised the crimes. She needed to work quickly and figure out who he was working for.

"That boy..." Roderick breathed in anguish as he entered the small, dark room, his eyes heavy and carrying bags that were nothing in comparison to Robins. "He's not giving us anything."

"His friends might be more willing," Robin said in a long breath. She was tired, cold and still quite damp, the longer the night went on, the longer she knew she would sleep when she got home, wherever and whenever that may be. "Have you been able to locate them yet?"

"Not yet, I sent some officers out just now to check their addresses, but they will probably be hiding somewhere. They'll turn up."

"Right," she nodded. "You're sure I can't interrogate Ricky myself?"

"No," Roderick firmed his voice, "not after all the trouble he's given you. I'm not trusting him one bit."

"Okay..." she accepted, "fair enough."

They fell silent as he glanced down at her, noticing how she anxiously pulled at her sleeve and bounced only slightly.

"I thought you'd be happy. We have enough against Ricky to charge him for something at the very least."

"I am," she glanced up to him, yet, her face only contradicted her words. She looked exhausted, mentally drained and a little upset. Which was understandable, seeing as she had such a long evening and had barely slept since she disappeared for a week. "Just... Ricky wasn't behind all of this. He was desperate for money to help his dad. Somebody used that against him and I don't want him to take the fall for that. He did kill Jason, but there's more to it."

"We'll find whoever it is. I'm sure once Ricky has seen that his contacts can't do anything to help, he will give them up."

"Hm," she nodded, though, she wasn't convinced.

"Is there something else bothering you?"

"Kinda," she admitted truthfully, leaning against the wall to watch as the interrogator left the room and let Ricky sit alone for a while. "I'm just nervous about some things. It's fine."

"Do you need to head home? I can handle all of this if you want?"

She shook her head.

She wanted to stay, it was like she was being held by a rope and Ricky was holding the other end. Would he give up who he was working for? Would he admit to something she didn't know? She had no clue, but she wanted to stay to see it happen if it did. But, on the other hand, she was barely able to keep herself awake.

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