Case Log- Entry 4

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The apartment is a mess and my laptop, phone and pieces of evidence are gone. From what I can tell, the evidence wasn't anything too important. Random files about Jason Barber's school grades, some interviews with teachers from the school I never found much in, likely just the things that were laying about and were easy for the thief to get. But the phone and laptop are the biggest issues. I had the recording from the boys on my phone, files of reports on the laptop, images of their social media accounts that could have been useful, even Amelia Karr's interview is gone but that had been missing for a while. I hope I didn't drop it out on the street anywhere, maybe I left it at the police station?

I'm left to assume that something was damning against a person involved. But how would they have known what I had? It's entirely possible that I have been watched for the past few weeks, but I thought I was careful, I didn't even bring up Jason Barber once unless the opportunity opened itself to me.

I feel a little lost.

For the time being, Roderick has given me a spare phone and is making sure the apartment is safe. The locks have been changed, cameras are being installed. But that's not important. What is important is what I had and what I can garner from it.

Amelia Karr was likely telling the truth in her interview about Jason going home to pick something up. It's also possible that she was able to call Jason up until the 4th if the phone found wasn't actually his phone, or maybe it was a second phone. A throw-away maybe? Either way, as mean as she can be, I shouldn't dismiss what she had said. It could be worth investigating her a little more, she could know something else about what happened that night that she didn't mention. She was his girlfriend, she might have known about his drug deals.

Which brings me to the next point.


According to Ryan, Jason was dealing drugs at parties. All I have about this is what Ryan said, but it aligns with other facts. The broken phone that was found could have been a burner phone, he could have been going home to pick up drugs stored there and that night, he might have intended to go to a party with them. June 2nd 2018 landed on a Friday, a good day for a party (I think, I've never been to one). But I don't know how I would confirm this if it was two years ago. I would check for photos on any of his socials, but I don't have my laptop and this phone is a little outdated... I don't know if it even has a calculator.

I just checked, it does. But definitely no Instagram.

So, if I'm to trust what Ryan said (and I do), I should look for the supplier. Maybe there is something I'm forgetting, something I glanced over and didn't notice that could help in some way. But the only way I can check is through what I wrote in this notebook.

I wish I wrote a transcript of that conversation with Ryan.

From now on, I'm going to save everything to the Cloud, maybe I'll email it to myself and Roderick and Archie, just for safe measures. I don't want to lose anything else.

I have a growing list of things and people to look into but I should focus on the main lead which would be the drugs. If I can get into the school, I could see if anybody else has taken Jason's place selling drugs. I imagine whoever supplied him got good business and would want to keep that going, or I could be totally wrong, but it's worth investigating to see every possible angle. His disappearance could be linked with something far bigger than just a petty fight like I first thought.

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