Case Log- Entry 5

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Maybe that's overkill, it's not much, but it's more than I've had in a while, so- BIG NEWS!

First things first, the photo that was supposedly Ryan at the park near Jason's home on the night that Jason went missing was NOT taken on the same night. It couldn't have been. The plaque on the park bench was dated 2017, Ryan was missing a scar in the photo and as it turns out, he also got that injury around 2017. So it's not possible. That clears his alibi but leaves nothing in its place, I still don't know what he was doing that night, but I really doubt it was anything to do with Jason.

Why would he do anything?

But this all leads me to many more questions. Why was that photo filed away as evidence? Who got that evidence? Was it intentionally deceiving or was it a mistake and the dates got mixed up? I feel inclined to believe that maybe it was intentional.

A lot of evidence points to the boys or Ryan at least. Their criminal records make them perfect suspects, prone to violence with family who was also incredibly dangerous, photo's claiming to be from the night Jason went missing, rumours that they deleted photo's from their socials. It's a wonder why nobody else suspected them when the case was originally opened. Then again, there wasn't sufficient evidence because it all went missing.

I want to continue focusing on the group of boys, not because I suspect them, but because I'm nervous about why I keep getting pointed toward them. Ryan seems to be in the centre of everything, he has connections with Jason, Amelia, and thanks to his background, known criminals. I'd like to clear his name as best as I can so he can hopefully be left out of this whole case.

On another note, I found a lead that takes me to Southblock Hotel. (I also saw a cute cat on my way there) I'm still not entirely certain what happened, why it was in a stolen purse filled with things Ricky gathered or how it fully relates to Jason Barber, but I think there is a connection. It wasn't far from his house, a ten minute walk at least, it was known for holding drugs and I think he really was involved in the drug scene.

My current issue is that not only do I not have any solid proof of that, but I also have no idea how to track down whoever was selling drugs to Jason to sell to others. I can't talk to people around the school when I'm so clearly disliked, I can't do much of anything. I've seen as much as I can from photos online. How else am I going to find anybody connected to him? I doubt whoever it is is even going to school anymore, they might not be in the city for that matter. It's possible they left when Jason went missing, either from guilt or fear of being found selling to him. Am I going towards a dead-end?

...I don't think I am. I hope I'm not.

I shouldn't (and probably won't) forget what happened at my apartment. Somebody involved broke in and left a note. How did they know what evidence I had? How did they know where I live? Did they follow me, or has somebody else been asking around too?

I can't help but feel like this case is moving forwards while I'm standing completely still. I'm finding things, I'm learning plenty, but it doesn't feel like I'm any closer to figuring out what happened to him. I just want somebody to tell me they did it so I can get this all over with.

I'm so tired.

I'm in too deep to stop now though, whatever happens, happens. If this ends up being my last case and Archie was right in saying that it was too dangerous, then I will have to live with that (or take it to my grave if things go so poorly).

Now, I should investigate what I can. I'll look through yearbooks and see if there's anything there. I'm doubtful.

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