Case Log- Entry 1

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Start of a new case, start of a new log. Archie, if you're reading this, please put the notebook in an easy to find place. I probably lost it again if you're reading it.

Entry 1:

I spent the day at the Police Station, but that doesn't mean I didn't keep myself busy. It was easy hiding it from Roderick that I was working, but how could I not when I saw with my own two eyes a person of interest in this case? Only a few hours after I picked it up? I'm not somebody who believes in fate, but this could have convinced me.

Ryan James, once just a name on a profile, is now a living breathing boy who I happened to see at the police station. Small world.

I managed to find a record of Ryan James. I planned on looking around for it anyway, but now I knew for certain that there was one in the station somewhere. It took a bit of sneaking around while nobody was looking and using Roderick's computer in his office, but I eventually found it. I took pictures and will add them to the end of this log once I get home. But from what I read, it seems like Ryan James is known for his minor incidents. Fighting, causing a disturbance and that sort of thing. Yet every time, he is easily let off because of a man by the name of Stewart Gourlas. I also heard Roderick mention him in his conversation with the group of boys.

I will have to ask Roderick about him later.

There is nothing that could directly lead me to believe Ryan James has any involvement with the disappearance of Jason Barber, but if I continue digging, things will pile up. Already, I know he was a friend of Jason's, he is known for trouble and can easily get out of it. Not only that, but from his records, it seems his father is also known for criminal activity. However, I couldn't find any specifics on him and doubt I will be allowed to see any files that don't directly correlate to this case without proof that it does. I could already get into a lot of trouble just for looking at Ryan James' file. Oops.

The most important thing to take away from this is that Ryan James is known for causing trouble, and it just so happens that he was a friend of Jason Barber. It may be nothing, but I need to dig deeper to find out about Jason and his contacts. If he and Ryan were close, it's likely that Jason also knew how to cause trouble. If nothing else, this at least confirms that Jason wasn't as clean as he was made out to be, not if he had friends like this.


Look for correlation between Ryan James and Jason Barber

Ask about Ryan James' father

Type transcript of interview between police, Katherine Barber and Frank Barber (Jason's parents)

Investigate places of interest within the Southern region of the city

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