Case Log- Entry 9

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Entry 8 never happened.

What do I even write about? The confirmation of Ricky being a friend to Jason, or the fact that Leo knows who I am? The death threats? The missing evidence that is still missing? The criminal knows where I live? The fact that I am so so so scared for the boys?

I have too much in my head, too much to think about and I'M RUNNING OUT OF TIME.

Leo knows who I am, and as relieving as that is, it took me a whole hour to decide that, no, I don't need to be so concerned over it. That isn't something easy to figure out. I was worried that anybody could look at me and think 'yeah, that's Hazel White' but I also need to remember how much time I have spent with these boys. They see an awful lot of me, they saw how many times I ran off at random moments through the day and how busy I am. It was inevitable, I think.

I also confirmed that Leo wasn't living in this city at the time of Jason's disappearance. I finally managed to track down his record and it was in Brevton, an orphanage had all of his information. There is no connection to him and this case what-so-ever.

But there is with Ricky who Ryan confirmed earlier was friends with him. I had heard it in a few conversations, mentioned so briefly I barely noticed. Jason even had a note reminding him to call Ricky. It just took a bit more of a push to recall because for so long, I was focused on the wrong people. I'm trying to remember the exact times it was mentioned, but it's difficult with my mind so scattered. Now I just need to look out for solid evidence that they were friends so there is no possibility of arguing out of the fact.

I think Amelia mentioned how they were all friends too. It didn't occur to me that Ryan, Jason and Ricky were friends at the same time, it went over my head entirely. Thinking back to it, I'm certain that Ryan even mentioned Ricky in a conversation about Jason that I recorded. That recording is, of course, gone.

So now I have evidence (not good evidence. It won't hold up in court) that Ricky knew Jason, and he was even a close enough friend that his disappearance pushed him over the edge. Ricky is a violent guy, but there's no record of him at the police station, he has motive varying from attacking for the sake of Amelia to attacking for the sake of money. I can spin it any way I want, but it's still not enough.

I should have enough evidence now to piece things together, but things still aren't adding up.


In other news...

Ryan was very nice today and I think I really like him


How many times am I going to mistake this for a diary? I'm going to tear this out and that page I wrote last week about that cute cat I saw. This is official work and Roderick is going to see all of this as my documentation of evidence which means, say it with me, Robin- "THIS IS OFFICIAL WORK. NOT A DIARY"

(If I forget to tear this out, please don't laugh at me, Roddie. Also, NO I did not break into somebody's house then write about it in my diary log)

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