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It was a new day and to say that Hazel was feeling the cold of yesterday was an understatement.

"Tweetie! I brought you coffee!"

Joel ran towards the group of three, his hands grasping onto his overflowing bag and a cardboard cup as he darted through the crowds of students, his eyes set on Hazel who leaned her head against her locker attempting to prevent another sneeze from escaping her.

"Why don't you ever bring me any coffee?" Leo asked with a smile, his arm resting against the locker beside Hazel's.

"She doesn't get to go to the cafe in the mornings," Joel explained, lowering himself and moving in an attempt to see Hazel's face from beneath. "So I thought I'd bring one so you can wake up like the rest of us."

"I don't think coffee is gonna wake her up today," Oscar said, turning to the girl who still hadn't moved. "Tweetie...? Did you fall asleep on your locker again?"


"What!? My presence didn't tire you out, did it?" Joel gasped, his hand reaching for his heart. "Really, Tweetie, I'm heartbroken..." He paused, "wait, what's up? Are you seriously that tired?"

"I have a cold," she said, sniffing her nose.

"That's your own fault," Leo added, flicking the back of her head lightly. "You shouldn't have been in the rain for so long yesterday."

She worked up the energy to send him a pout, one similar to a kid who was just told that no, she couldn't have the doll she wanted because it was too expensive.

"Are you sure you should be here today?" Leo leaned into her, his elbow on top of her shoulder as she hummed, debating what her answer was.

"It's too late now, I'm here already."

"Doesn't mean you have to stay," a new voice said, making a valid point as he approached from seemingly nowhere.

"Oh, Fox," Hazel turned to him, "I have your hoodie."

She turned to her bag and pulled the red and white hoodie out, carefully handing it back to him, her sleepy smile dropping as she fell back against the locker and let Leo continue leaning against her.

"You have his hoodie?" Oscar asked curiously, not fully understanding how she managed to get it despite this being the first time they were seeing him.

"He let me borrow it yesterday," she explained while giving very little detail. Not that it really mattered. Instead, she took time to notice that there was still a presence missing from the group, and really, it was stranger than she cared to admit. He was always with at least one of the boys. "Where's Ryan?"

They all turned, putting their attention on Fox.

"Did he not go to your house last night?" Leo asked from her shoulder but Fox shook his head. "He said he was gonna go to your house after we spoke to Amelia."

"He changed his mind. Said he felt bad for taking up space. I told him he was being stupid, but..."

"Oh." Leo's face twisted. "He must be at the cafe then..."

Nobody said anything for a beat, not until Hazel sneezed again and let out a groan.

"Tweetie, wanna go to the cafe with me?" Oscar asked. "I don't feel like doing maths."

"You'll do it at the cafe though, right?" Leo immediately turned toward the purple-haired boy who quickly nodded his head. "Make sure Ryan's okay, text if he's not there."

Oscar nodded and Hazel acknowledged the worry the boys had. Enough for Leo to actually let Oscar go so long as he made sure Ryan was okay.

It was strange not having him there when the others were, like missing the last puzzle piece. It was so prominent and noticeable it was impossible to not be conscious of the fact he was missing. Everything else was the same. Students still passed them with eyes that latched to them and snapped away as soon as they were almost seen, the sounds of chatter and laughter travelled down the halls like always and distant lockers slammed. But it was wrong.

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