I drove to work today even though I was not scheduled to work.  Harmony had called me in due to being short staffed in the kitchen today.  I quickly grabbed my uniform from the closet, drove the twenty minutes to McDonalds, and parked as close as I could to the back door.  I slung my uniform over my shoulder, my bag over the other shoulder, and then locked my car.  I walked to the lockers and put my things away.  Earl was busy interviewing new hires in the dining room, I noticed when I walked by again; heading to change, wondering to myself where they would be placed.  At some point, he would walk them to the back so they could see where the magic was made.
I quickly got to work on the grill and tuned everything out as I made and prepped sandwiches. The guys were chatty today, commenting on the new hires or those being interviewed. I just smiled at their comments and shook my head. At some point I looked up to see a new hire being shown around. Her long brown hair was tied in a simple ponytail. She wore a crop top, a windbreaker, and skippies. My eyes followed her form until she disappeared into the breakroom.  "Who was she?", I wondered to myself. "Where does she live?", "Does she have a boyfriend?"  As they emerge once again, I cast my eyes down to the grill and make myself busy. Earl walks her over and explains the process at the grills, then walks her back out to the dining room.  I quickly run to the schedule at the back to find out who she is.  One by one, I go through the names. "There she is!", my heart stops. "Catherine, Catherine Gonzalez". " a pretty name", I think, then run back to the grill.  "How should I introduce myself? When? Is she even working today?", I sigh.  "What is happening to me?"
All too soon, it is break time.  I hadn't seen her the rest of the day.  I guess she isn't working today.  I sigh and clock out for lunch.  I sit by myself in a window seat watching traffic and wondering about the beauty who had been here one minute and gone the next.  Her hair is so beautiful.  How I'd like to play with it, I muse.  Break is nearly over, I sigh again as I clean up and get ready to return to the grill.  I spot Earl getting things ready for another interview and stop to chat.  "Maybe he can give me some info on this vision", I hope.  "Hey Earl", I greet him.  "How are interviews going?", I ask. "So far, so good", he states.  "Seems we will be fully staffed for the summer", he smiles. "That's good", I agree.  "I noticed you were giving some of them tours", I say, trying not to sound to eager or obvious.  "Really?", he grins.  "And the fact that it was a young lady peaked your interest, I am sure", he grins even more broadly.  "I didn't really notice", I lie.  "Any good ones heading to the grill?", I ask.  "Not really thinking that's where I will start them", he smiles again.  "Oh, right", I smile and nod. Looking at my watch I realize I need to get back. "Okay then", I say and wave goodbye as I discard the remains of lunch and head to clock back in.  "I'll check the new schedule once it's posted to see when she's working", I think to myself as I begin to form a plan to meet this girl.  "What is it about her?", I ponder, " that has me captivated?"
As my shift ends, I gather my things from the locker, check the new pisted schedule in the breakroom and find her name.  Catherine is working starting Monday! Seems she'll be starting at 8 and out by 4:30 pm. "Plenty of time to introduce myself", I think and leave with the most ridiculous smile on my face. It's Friday, so I have the whole weekend to figure out what I'll say or do on Monday.  The anticipation will kill me all weekend long, I sigh.
On Monday morning, I parked near the back door as usual, opened the door, with my eyes down cast focusing on my watch as I walked in.  Then I looked up and oh, my God.  The sight in front of me took my breath away.  I wasn't sure if I was dreaming, but that ass was amazing to say the least, Catherine was leaning over the table wiping down the bench.  I had to talk to her, but what do I say?  I spent the whole of the weekend trying to figure out what I would say and nothing. So, I say, "I've never seen anyone wiping down the chairs here", my mouth taking over before my brain could process.  Before I can correct myself and say anything else, she turns to face me and replies, "Well, I guess you don't come here often".  She holds my gaze for a moment and again I am blown away.  Her eyes are a stunning hazel, blue or green, maybe both.  I've never seen eyes like hers.  I looked at my watch once more.  As much as I wanted to speak to her, I didn't have the time.  So, I just smile at her, and walk toward the front of the restaurant but stopped to look at her once more.  She was engrossed in her task and didn't give me a second glance or thought it seems.  I had to know more about her. I quickly placed my things in the locker and was ready to go change when Harmony greeted me.

"Good morning, Leo", Harmony forced me out of my daze, making me turn to face her.  "Good morning", I replied.  "Thanks for coming in", she continued.  "We would have been shorthanded during the lunch rush", she states as it isn't my usual shift.  Little did she know I was planning to stop in just to see Catherine, so win-win.  "No problem", I replied.  "Let me go change and get straight to work", I say as I turn and head to the bathroom to change.  I figured I would get to see her face when I walked to change, but she was already working on drive-thru.  I guess in the middle of my haze, Harmony had out her to work.  I finish putting my things away in the locker and got to my station on the grill.  I got to work but could not get her out of my mind.  Then just as if I'd called her to me, she was there standing in front of Harmony but looking straight at me.  The expression of shock on her face was priceless.  I gave her my most brilliant smile to which she frowned then turned her attention to Harmony.  Those brilliant eyes looked daggers at me.   I continued to grin to myself, I knew why she looked at me this way.  Especially after our initial encounter.  I returned my attention to the grill and when I looked up again, she was gone.  "Have you seen the new girl with the green eyes?", one of the guys asked.  "Did you see what she was wearing when she came in?", the other commented.  The comments continued back forth making me sick. I had seen her first.  I needed to gain her attentions before any of them had the opportunity to.  They were all opportunists, who treated girls like they were disposable.  I would never do this, since it wasn't my style.  The time moved by too slowly for me, when I notice Catherine head to the clock and clock out for lunch.  "Hey Carlos", I call to one of the grillers.  "I'm gonna take lunch early", I state as I hand over the spatula and walk to the clock, clocking out.  I ask Carlos to make my Quater-Pounder the way I like it, then head to the front to ask for my order.  I look over at the dining room and notice Catherine is sitting by herself at a two-seat table, reading.  The cashier gets my lunch and slides it over to me.  I thank her and walk towards Catherine, not sure how to approach her since our encounter this morning and the daggers she gave me earlier.  

"Hey", I say clearing my throat.  Catherine looks up at me from her book and nods.  "Anyone sitting here?", I ask then regret it as I hear how lame it sounds.

"No", she sighs, seemingly not wanting to be bothered.

"Can I sit", I plead, nearly begging.

"I guess", she says waving her hand toward the other seat.

I take the reluctant invitation and sit.  "I didn't get to introduce myself this morning", I state and look at her.  Catherine's eyes are a bright blue.  "Weren't they green or grey earlier?", I wonder.  She sighs again, places a bookmark in the book, and puts it down next to her.  She picks up a nugget and dunks it in honey before placing it to her mouth and taking a bite.  "My name is Leo", I share.  Catherine just nods as me.  Not sure how else to proceed. 

"I'm Catherine", she finally replies.  I smile at her.

"So, do you live nearby?", I ask hoping for more than two-word answers.

"Nope", she keeps it short and sweet.

"I don't live to far from here", I attempt.  "How old are you?", I want to know everything about her.  

"I'm 15", she states as she continues to dip her nuggets and eat them.

"I'm 16", I share.  "but I'll be 17 in August", I offer.

"That's nice", she says, just to be nice, I think.  "I'll be 16 in May", she shares.  Finally, she is getting comfortable, maybe.

"So where do you go to school", I ask her.

"John Dewey", Catherine sates mater of factly as if I am supposed to know where that is.

"It's in Brooklyn", she shrugs, seemingly understanding I didn't have a clue.  I smile at her.  She is smart and can read me like a book.  The conversation continues to move back and forth, getting easier as it goes, when I look at my watch and realize it is nearly time to get back to work.  I clean up my area and begin to stand and Catherine has done the same thing.  We discard our trays and walk back bind the counter toward the back.  She waves goodbye and heads to the lockers.  I watch as she puts her book away and heads back to the drive-thru. She places the headset on then straps on the radio.  Catherine looks up and spots me staring at her.  I wink and position myself at the grill once more.  When I look back up at her, she is fixing her hair and facing the screen at the orders.  "Idiot", I whisper to myself and shake my head.  "What was I thinking winking at her?", I chide myself and concentrate on work. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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