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Listen to Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo or Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith LOL

The light breeze caressed Gorya's face like an unwelcome chill for what's to come, what she must do. This whole day, all that is plaguing her mind was Roslyn's voice, You must turn him back. Or else he will never survive. However, she wanted to focus on him and make this last day memorable for both of them. Thyme walks ahead of her this time looking for a place to overlook the skyline and she trails behind him; consuming this moment as if it is her last she'll see his tall stature and strong back. Thyme looks back with that goofy smile of his and takes notice of Gorya's quiet behavior and stops. "Is there something on your mind?"

She snaps back to reality and shakes her head, feeling slightly disheveled, "No I'm fine." He raises an eyebrow and she responds by taking his hand, smiling in reassurance. "Come on, let's go by the railing. I want to see the skyline." Thyme smiles at her again and lets her lead him.

The water moves calmly along the shore and the lights of the bustling city above reflect imminently on the slow rifts. Gorya lets go of Thyme's hand and lean on the railing looking at a reflection of herself. Thyme comes in and looks down as well saying, "Even in the water you still look cute." Gorya snorts, "What are you talking about, the image is distorted." She turns and leans her back this time on the cold railing. Thyme chuckles lightly and faces in the same direction as her.

After a moment, she breaks the silence, "Do you ever think about the future? What it will look like?" Thyme ponders her question for a bit and says, "I've never given it much thought."

Gorya turns her head towards him in all seriousness and asks, "You've never imagined it at all? Not even once?"

Thyme amused at his girlfriend's adamant curiosity, pinches her nose, "Of course I have. I've imagined my future with you. Ever since I decided to pursue and fall in love with you." Gorya touches her nose, turning away from him, and slightly blushes, this time staying quiet. He knew how to make her speechless.

"I will be leading the Parama Group.." He pauses and looks at her who has caught her full attention. "With you by my side." He looks away shyly as Gorya feels those words warm her whole being but also a tinge of pain as if someone stabbed a thorn in her heart.

"However, I will never lead by my mom's example. I want to change things because you taught me what love and compassion look like." Thyme pauses and takes both of Gorya's cold hands and hugs her into his arms to provide warmth and sincerity of his love. Gorya doesn't push him away and wants time to pause at this moment as the man, she loves, embraces her for what may be the last time he ever does.

"I could've bought you a jacket so you won't get cold. You should've told me." Gorya looks up at him and shakes her head, "I'm all right."

Thyme smiles with a lopsided grin and puts his warm manly hands on both sides of her face, covering her whole cheek saying, "Why are you so stubborn, I'm your boyfriend, you don't have to be strong all the time...let me support you."

Gorya blinks at the word, boyfriend, and suddenly can't utter a word, all of a sudden feeling tears well up in her eyes. Thyme looks into her eyes and sees a glossy reflection of himself. His thoughts are flooded with concerns as he says, "Are you o-" But, is suddenly interrupted by Gorya bringing Thyme's face in her hands with a kiss.

It's been a couple of days since their kiss on the couch and on the rooftop of Uncle Ga's studio but, this kiss feels different. Gorya moves her lips in a more rushed and dominant way with Thyme just barely keeping up with her pace. A tear escapes her eye but she doesn't let that ruin her momentum. Thyme brings her body close to his, sounding soft moans from his lips. Their lips move against each other as one fights for dominance but soon reaches perfect harmony. Both hearts are beating fast with adrenaline and a familiar feeling of intimate tension fills their body. Their kiss slows to a stop with Gorya detaching first and touching her forehead against Thyme's, quickly brushing away any evidence of a tear.

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