One Sweet Message

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Inspired from episode 14:

A stream of light shines through her white drapes, hitting her eyes as Gorya stirs to wake. She opens her eyelids to see an unfamiliar ceiling in the room she moved into a couple of days ago. Ever since Roslyn bought and destroyed their home, Uncle Ga graciously offered the studio on top of his flower shop to her. Her phone dings as a text message from her mom comes in.

Ma: Good morning sweetie! We just harvested 50 durians this morning. Well, I just wanted to check in to make sure you're doing all right.

Her heart warmed, missing her family at that moment. I shouldn't tell them about the house; they'll drop everything to come here...we're already going through so much. She texts back:

Gorya: I'm doing well here Ma; I hope you guys are doing great over there. I miss you so much. I hope to see you soon.

Immediately, Gorya sees three dots showing up at the bottom of her screen and reads her mother's message.

Ma: Yes, we're doing just fine, don't worry about us, darling. Come see us when you have time. Know that we're always here for you.

Her eyes well up, longing to hear her mom's comforting voice, her father's corny jokes, and her brother's laughter. She wipes a tear and sends her mother a text back before getting up from her bed. 

I have to stay strong for them. I need to.


The flower shop is empty as Gorya walks in to start prepping for the day. She arranges the vases of lilacs, dahlias, orchids, etc... Trims a few flowers, sweeps the floors, and sprays water on all the plants. She stands near the front of the store as soon as she's done, overlooking the place, and feels triumphant about finishing her chores.

The shop doesn't need to open up until an hour, so Gorya proceeds to sweep the storefront clear of any leaves and dust. There were not that many people on the sidewalk since it was only 7:30 in the morning. She looks up and sees the sign looking a little dull and dusty since it hasn't been cleaned in a while. I should wipe the sign. Going into the back room, she finds a ladder and a spray bottle with an accompanying rag.

Gorya sets up the ladder but notices the ground is not leveled, so the ladder is a little wobbly. She dismisses it and continues to step onto the ladder, it should be fine, I'm not that high up. She starts wiping the first few letters, and things seem to be going all right until the last few, which are a bit of reach from where she is standing. Come on, you can do it. Suck it up. Gorya stretches her arms as long as she could—managing to wipe the last few letters. She sighs with relief but, suddenly the ladder wobbles beneath her. Panicked, she loses her balance and screams as her right foot twists off the second step.

Gorya thinks quickly, I need to protect my head, and twists her torso to face the ground; her elbows and hands hitting the pavement. Gorya grimaces, "Oh my god," and lies on her back as she feels pain radiating from her elbows and hands. She looks at her hands which are all scratched up from the pavement, with dirt spread all over her palms. Shit.


Thyme parks in the parking lot of the flower shop, and gets out of his car. His pocket feels the weight of the bottle of her favorite drink. He takes it out while walking to look at the note, I hope she'll like it.

Putting the bottle back into his pocket, he walks out of the small alleyway between the buildings and sees Gorya sitting on the ground; looking at her elbows, her white sleeves appearing gray. He widens his eyes as he runs to her and in panic, he asks, "Are you okay?"

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