Let Me Return to You

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I actually have no idea how they're going to use this plot but, I wanted to write my own fantasy/ twist to it LOL. This is more of a Gorya POV (I want to try writing in the first person to see how it goes 😬). Thyme won't make much of an appearance because he's obviously 💤 so, I hope you enjoy? Cuz this is a really sad chapter 🥰 xoxo 






Numb ringing sounds in my ear, it is all I can hear at this moment. Many people are screaming, hundreds of flashes snapping at every angle, people pushing and shoving, and those who are trying to diffuse the situation. My eye catches two police officers escorting the man who stabbed Thyme. He makes eye contact with me as he walks by, held tightly by an officer at each side. His eyes were scared but exhausted, which sent chills to my body. Ren looks at me, but I can't even make out what he's saying. Kavin and MJ push past the guards to run to Roslyn and Tia, as I stand here frozen and petrified. EMTs run to the middle of the circle and carry Thyme onto the stretcher as a sob escapes my mouth.

Roslyn and Tia follow the EMTs out of the building as MJ and Kavin look back to where Ren and I stood.

"Gorya, can you hear me?" Ren says to me, grabbing my arms and shaking me awake. I blink as tears continuously flow out of my eyes to try to focus on Ren's face. He touches my cheek, brushing away my tears, and says, "It's not safe here. We need to leave." His phone buzzes, and he answers, guiding me with a hand on my shoulder to the parking lot. Kavin and MJ follow after us as they're calling everyone they know.

We get to Ren's car, MJ and Kavin sit in the back while I sit in the front passenger seat. Ren zips my seatbelt on, and sends me a worried gaze but, I don't...I can't say anything to him. Kavin and MJ send worried looks to each other as Ren starts driving. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and messages from my parents, Uncle Ga, and Kaning come flooding in—asking about the well-being of Thyme and me. My hands shake so much that my phone tumbles out of my hold. Ren looks at me and my phone on the ground. He sees me in my disoriented state, which made him increase his speed.

I feel so numb, that I can't touch, sense, or hear anything at that moment. The silence is deafening in the car as everyone is tensed and on edge. Tia calls Kavin, and he answers on speaker, "P'Tia you're on speakerphone." He moves closer to the middle so that everyone can hear.

"Kavin, are you guys almost here at the Aira Hospital? They just admitted Thyme an-and they say he needs surgery. I just wanted you to know that I cleared everyone to be able to come in immediately. I'll see you when you arrive." Tia says, and Kavin responds with a goodbye and turns his phone off.

MJ sighs and sits back, closing his eyes as Kavin doesn't say a thing while looking out of his window.

I close my eyes and think, Thyme please be okay. My fingers shook as they touched my necklace. Then, after a few minutes, I feel the car slow to a stop. I abruptly open my eyes as I see that we're at the entrance of the hospital. An abnormal spike of adrenaline overcomes me as I took off my seatbelt, and opened the door as fast as I can.

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