Let Me Return to You Pt. 4

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Roslyn looked down at Gorya menacingly, with an ominous rage festering inside her. Gorya felt fear grow as she stared deeply into Roslyn's icy glare. Roslyn finally speaks in a monotonous tone, "How dare you come into my home." 

Her grip squeezes tighter around Gorya's wrist, "You use my daughter?" Gorya winces as her fingers suffocate her wrist. Roslyn disregards her discomfort as she yells, "And you endanger my son?!" Gorya just looks into her eyes, unable to speak. Roslyn tugs Gorya to the side, away from Thyme, so that a guard can catch her. A guard holds her by the upper arm as Gorya stumbles into his arms. Roslyn walks over to Thyme, lifting him up from the ground so he could lean on her, "Are you okay, Thyme?" 

Gorya watches guiltily as Thyme can only groan. Roslyn looks up at her and the guard. Gorya gulps at what will happen to her next. "Take her out of the mansion immediately. Call someone to come and attend to my son!" The guard bows his head, "Yes Madam." He takes Gorya by the shoulder, and her backpack with them. 

They walk out of Thyme's room, and they come across Tia standing in the hall, surrounded by guards on either side of her. Gorya mouths, I'm sorry. Tia sends her a close-lipped smile, holding in the regret and guilt she felt. She makes eye contact with Pruek, who sends sympathy towards her but fails to speak against his Madam's resolve. The guards follow Gorya out to the gates and push her outside with her backpack. The black metal gates clang to a close, the chain locking it into place. "Please leave." 

Gorya walks and holds onto two rods of the gate as she says, "I have to stay." 

The guard sighs, "Look lady, you're lucky the boss isn't calling the police. Might as well leave because you will never get in anyway." 

"I will take my chances," Gorya responds defiantly. The guards look at each other and shook their heads at her stubbornness. They both leave her alone to stand at their posts.

A drop of water hits her nose, and she goes to touch the droplet. The water glides on her fingers as rain drizzles on, descending from the sky. Gorya looks up to feel the cold water hit her face as she closes her eyes to close in her environment where it's just her and the rain.

I have to keep trying, for him....


As the hours' pass, the rain worsens into a cruel, unforgiving storm. The rain pounds relentlessly against the windows of the mansion. Roslyn sits in her dimly lit office, deliberating about what to do with Thyme. For the first time, she couldn't think of what to do next. She looked at the documents in front of her, but couldn't focus. As time goes by, Thyme seems to find a way to remember more and more...is this all worth it?

A forced entry comes through the doors, and Roslyn looks up to a disheveled, exasperated Tia. "Let me talk to my mother," she demands the guard, who followed her inside. He looks at Roslyn, and Roslyn sighs and waves him off. He bows to both ladies before walking out the door and closing it behind him. 

Roslyn's disconsolate gaze meets Tia,"What do you have to say for yourself?" 

Tia sighs as she stands in front of the desk, "Ma, don't you think you are acting immature?"

Roslyn chuckles, playing with her sleek black pen, "Immature? That stunt you pulled earlier was immature. You practically acted like a lunatic. Because why? You wanted to meddle in some teenage romance?" 

"Ma, I was looking out for my brother like I always have. He loves her, and you know it," she says to her mother. Tia walks toward the window and sees Gorya, still standing outside–facing the gates. She turns to her mother who only watches as she says, "She has perseverance. She is the example of their love."

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