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Hey guys, so here's the thing...

I promised that you'd see Let Me Return to You Pt. 4 this week but, I can't make it happen. It was a last-minute plotline so, I wasn't able to write it earlier than I should've. I feel super guilty; I know I said in my last update that I would post. I just underestimated the time I would have.

Planning, writing, and editing these imagines take a while for me. I am the type of person to read a draft over and over again. Still, I manage to miss a few typos anyway LOL. I have finals coming up so, I haven't been able to write at all for Destined for You. I actually wrote pt. 3 earlier this week, so I was able to squeeze in time for that. As for my update in Unrequited, I'm not prioritizing one project over the other. Those chapters were pre-written so, I just needed to edit and post them.

Again, I am super sorry! I will be back to posting for Destined for You after May 9. I am not stopping this yet, I am kind of going on a hiatus for a week for finals cuzzzzz girlie doesn't want to fail. Thank you for understanding ❤️.

Thank you so much for 2K reads! I never would've guessed for this to be seen by so many people. I feel so grateful and happy that you guys read my stuff!

P.S. Good luck to anyone who has finals/midterms coming up! I FEEL YOUR PAIN!

Dani :)

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