Birthday Eve

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This is inspired by episode 8, Thyme's birthday after she counts down. 

"3, 2, 1."

Thyme opens his eyes slowly to be enraptured by the glistening shine of Gorya's eyes as it twinkles under the streetlight. She feels nervous and shy as Thyme continues to stare at her, saying absolutely nothing but it was his gaze that caught her attention—which gave so much meaning to her and a fuzzy feeling.

Amused by Gorya's shyness, Thyme breaks the slight awkward tension and silence by saying, "Happy Birthday."

"Did you just say happy birthday to yourself?" Gorya asks with a chuckle. Her cheeks were still feeling the heat from before.

Thyme nods in response, "Of course." Gorya's smile widens as she focuses on his cheek and decides to do something completely out of the ordinary. She takes a step forward and puts her hands on his shoulders, forcing him to meet her eye level.

"What are you-" Thyme is interrupted with a quick peck on his cheek. His eyes widened as Gorya says, "Happy Birthday." Quickly enough she runs to her gate, while Thyme puts his hand against his cheek, where her lips touched his skin.

He smiles, as if in a trance but then remembers that Gorya is trying to escape so, runs after her. She laughs as she closes the gate on him. Thyme tries to open it but she locked herself in. He huffs in annoyance, pointing at her, "You can't just do that and run away. You didn't give me time to react."

Gorya rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue at him. "That's all you get."

He whines and slumps like a child, like a little tiger, and begs, "Can I have a chance please?" He steps towards the iron bars and clutches two rods while putting his head in between, flashing puppy eyes at Gorya. She chuckles and pinches his nose, he repels backward, "Ow!"

"Go back home, dork."

"Gorya!" Thyme exclaims. She waves as she walks to her front door. Thyme admits defeat since there's no stopping or fighting Gorya. She twists the knob and finds it is stuck. "Huh?" Gorya says to herself and twists it again–still won't open.


Twist...another jam

Counterclockwise twist?.......jam

Gorya panickily feels around her pockets for her house keys but, discovers there's nothing but a gum wrapper and the key to the gate. She releases a frustrated sigh as she yells, "Glakao? Glakao I know you're awake! Open the door." She bangs on the door five times but, is only met with silence. No way is he sleeping right now. I am going to kill him. She bangs her head against the door as a final knock—still silence on the other end.

"Why are yelling Glakao's name and banging your head against the door?"

Gorya gasps by surprise and swiftly turns to the source of Thyme's voice who still stands outside of the gate. "Why are you still here? I thought you went inside?" Gorya asks crossing her arms.

Thyme tries to think of a quick excuse and stammers, "Uh I-I I'm still outside to enjoy some fresh air. It's a beautiful night don't you think?" He meets her skeptical gaze, clearly not believing whatever he was saying. Thyme spins it on her by asking, "Well... why are you still outside?"

"Glakao locked me out. My phone is inside the house along with my keys for the front door so, I'm stuck here." She lightly kicks at the door, and Thyme laughs at her misfortune.

She scoffs, "Are you laughing at me right now?" Thyme stops and shakes his head, raising his hands in front of him, "No, I wasn't intending to."

Gorya rolls her eyes and puts her hand to her forehead as she bends down to sit on the doorstep. "I don't know what I'm going to do." Thyme thinks for a moment but, feels a pebble hit his head. Thyme's shoulders jump in surprise but, Gorya doesn't seem to notice. He looks up to find the source of the pebble throwing and sees Glakao peeking through his window. Thyme's slightly alarmed as Glakao waves to him. He points to Thyme's house and shoots a thumbs up at him. He looks back at his place and he faces Glakao again, pointing toward Gorya in question. Glakao nods and gives a devious smile in response, but draws the curtains back in, going back into hiding. He chuckles at Glakao's antics and his way of bringing them together, very clever.

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