Heavy Sleeper

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*This is the scene in episode 5 where Thyme takes Gorya to his house...

Gorya wiped her tears as Thyme brought her to stand on the ground slowly from his arms. She mutters, "Thank you." Thyme nods in response, guilt-ridden on his face. She takes out her phone and, sees the time, it read: 8:30 PM. "I need to go-" she begins to say but, Thyme interrupts, "Let me take you home."

She shakes her head to refuse, "But-"

Thyme stops her by taking her wrist, "Please let me do this for you. You can't ride Kaning's bike, and I don't want you riding the bus like this." She notices Thyme's hand on her wrist, something she'd never guess would happen, and looks down at herself. I do look like I was hit by a bus.

Making eye contact with Thyme, she says, "Ok."

He gives her a small smile and leads the way to his car. They don't walk far since F4 has designated parking spots at the front of the lot. Thyme takes his keys with his right hand out of his pocket, and Gorya sees the flashing lights of a black Maserati. Wow.

Thyme stops and opens the passenger side door for Gorya, "Watch your head." She looks at the car and him and tilts her head to the side before stepping into the car. What is a senior in high school doing driving a Maserati to school? As soon as she's seated, Thyme closes the door for her and runs to the driver's seat.

This is the second time Gorya has ever been in a car since her family and she, only used public transportation or rode their bikes. The leather smell is a foreign but pleasant scent to Gorya, as well as the rough texture of the black leather seats bound with red stitching. 

Thyme starts the engine without noticing Gorya's curiosity about his car. The car revs to wake like a lion roaring, which startled Gorya a bit.

He practically zoomed his way out of the school parking lot, and, Gorya felt a pounding headache, and yelps from her seat at the speed he was going. I can't believe this happened because of me, Thyme thought to himself. He wanted to do worse to those guys for hurting Gorya but decided that she was more important than them. His knuckles turn stark white as he grasps the steering wheel, feeling slight pain in his right hand from the cut he got when he was with Hana.

"Can you slow down please?" She says massaging her temples to lessen the pain. Thyme doesn't say a word but lessens his speed. Gorya mumbles, "Take me home, my address is Bac-"

Thyme looks at her, trying his best to focus on the road, and sees that she dozed off, slumped in her seat.

With one hand on the steering wheel and the other touching her shoulder, he nudges gently, "Gorya, I need to know your address." She responds with light snores. Thyme sighs and lessens the speed of the car, even more, to make sure she doesn't wake up from the motion. I guess I'll have to take her home then.


The car rumbles to a stop, and Gorya slowly wakes up to fluorescent lights illuminating Thyme's car, even through tinted windows. Confused, she grunts as she sits up, feeling sore from the incident. What she expected to see was her neighborhood and her house through the window, but realizes it is a gray garage filled with expensive foreign cars. Her eyes widened, and she turns immediately to Thyme, who was sitting in the driver's seat, wearing noise-canceling pods and playing a game on his phone.


Gorya's patience is dimming as she repeats louder, "Thyme."

Thyme is in deep concentration until Gorya lightly hits his bicep while yelling, "Thyme!" Loud music sounds from his earphones with a bright screen showing "DEFEATED" on his phone. He takes an earphone out and says, "Damn." He looks to Gorya, who seems unimpressed.

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