Let Me Return to You Pt. 3

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TW: cursing

Two weeks have passed since Thyme came home from the hospital. He sat on his couch, bored out of his mind because he couldn't do much of anything. His mother took away his phone, his access to all social media and locked his computer so that he couldn't go on those sites. Thyme was on house arrest.

As the doctor finished his routine check-up, he bowed to Thyme, "Thank you for your time, Sir Paramaanantra." He turns to leave, but Thyme stops him, "Aren't you going to update me on my progress?"

The doctor turns back around hesitantly and says, "I apologize Sir Paramaanantra, your mother told me to keep it confidential." 

Thyme gets a sudden rage of frustration and throws the pillows off of the couch. The doctor slightly jumps as Thyme yells, "You come here almost every day yet, I feel like I haven't improved at all!"

He goes over to his desk and pushes his pens, notebooks, and laptop off the surface. "This is bullshit!", a fit of rage overcoming him.

Roslyn enters the room, alarmed at the commotion, and asks, "What is going on? Thyme, why are you acting like this?" She looks at the mess he just caused, and Thyme fails to give an answer as he walks past her, leaving the room. Roslyn waves a guard to follow her son as she turns to the shaken doctor.

"Why the hell is my son all riled up?" she asks in a domineering tone. The doctor timidly responds, "Madam, Sir Paramaanantra is frustrated about his condition and circumstance. He wants to know about this progress but, with your command, I couldn't share."

He pauses and hesitantly suggests, "Maybe we should share-"

"No. I don't want Thyme to know at all. No exceptions," Roslym adamantly asserted. The doctor interjects, "But, this is causing him psychological distress. If things pan out this way, he won't be able to heal properly." Roslyn thinks to herself, that is exactly what I want to happen. Instead, she smiles at the doctor and says, "Actually, thank you for your time doctor, it appears my son doesn't like your services, so I will be letting you go."

"Wha-", he began to say, but Roslyn leaves and whispers to a guard, "See to it that he leaves, and have someone clean this up." The guard nods, "Yes, ma'am." She walks down the stairs and sees Thyme outside at the pool. "Pruek, meet me at the car."

He takes her bag and bows, "Yes, ma'am." Roslyn makes her way toward her son and sits on the chair next to him. He glances at her but stays silent, feeling resentment towards her as Roslyn says, "Thyme, go back inside."

"I can't be outside? This is my home," he replied.

Roslyn flips her hair out of annoyance as she says in a nicer tone, "To make the progress you wish for, you need to heed the doctor's request: take lots of rest, don't be in direct sunlight since it is a side effect of your medication-"

"Ma, all I've been doing is resting! I feel suffocated in this house."

He continues, "I feel like I'm constantly missing something, and I don't know what it is. Why can't I see my friends-"

"Ok, Thyme, calm down. You are not fully recovered. We should take things step by step. Just like the doctors have said." She rests her hand on his shoulder, "Once you've reached your full potential and healing, you could see your friends."

Thyme looks into her eyes to find sincerity and care, but her expression remains passive. He reluctantly nods, choosing to trust his mother, and says, "Ok. I'll follow you, Mom." She smiled at him and stood up, "I will go to the office. I'll come back in time for lunch."

He nods, and she walks back into the house, leaving him all alone again. After a moment, Auntie Yu comes out with a tray and a glass of water sitting on top of it. A guard stops her, "What are you planning to do?" She points at Thyme, "Sir Thyme might be thirsty. It is a hot day after all." The guard looks at the glass of water and glances at Thyme. He grunts, "Make it quick, and, don't talk to him."

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