Misunderstood Pt.2

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Maybe you misunderstood him," Nova says as she sips on her mango smoothie. Gorya rolls her eyes and sighs, "No misunderstanding garners that type of action. He assaulted someone."

Nova nods, "I agree but, the first time that man saw you after a few weeks is when you are hugging a man he doesn't know."

Gorya thinks about her statement as Nova continues, "It wasn't ok that he punched P'Derek. But, you gotta admit you'd feel some type of way if you saw him hugging another woman that you didn't know. Especially if you guys haven't seen each other in a few weeks."

"But, I wouldn't slap the girl," Gorya says. Nova shrugs as she takes a sip from her cup, "You'd never know."

Gorya sends her friend an incredulous look, "You're saying you'd slap her too if you saw her hugging P'Ren." Nova sets her cup down and shakes her head, "Oh no. I'm not slapping her, I am definitely slapping Ren."

Gorya laughs, "I hope he's ready for that."

"He knows, he's smart enough to never do that to me," she responds. Gorya shook her head as she turns on her phone screen to reveal a ton of text messages from Thyme and 37 missed calls. Nova catches Gorya's strained look on her face and says, "You can't avoid him forever."

Gorya doesn't answer as Nova asks, "Do you still love him?"

Gorya looks at her shocked, "Of course, I love him." She turns her phone off and slips it into her back pocket of her jeans, "It's just...he can be too much. Sometimes it's overwhelming."

Nova teases, "You've been together for what? 3 years? And you're still not used to him?"

She shrugs, "1 of those years he was abroad. We don't even live together, I'm not ready for that."

Nova sighs, "You move too slow for a fast-paced man."

Gorya pinches Nova on her arm and she yelps, "Ow! Can we stop pinching each other? We're adults."

"Stop judging me," Gorya replied. Nova raises her hands in a truce, "I'm sorry for saying that. But, I suggest you guys to talk it out. Reach a compromise together. A relationship isn't just a one-sided thing, you both need to work things out."

Gorya says, "Ok."

Nova smiles and pats her hand, "Don't worry, I know you guys can work it out." Gorya smiles at her as Nova stands from her seat, "Let's go shopping?"



Gorya surprisingly looks up at her door and closes her laptop to answer, I'm not expecting anyone. She looks through the peek-hole and sees Derek stabding outside. She hadn't spoken to him since it happened. It's been about two weeks, she was to embarrassed to call or text him. She quickly looks around the apartment to see it's a mess. Since her argument with Thyme, she's been working nonstop at the flower shop, her internship, and for the next upcoming semester. Too busy with everything to think about cleaning up.

"Why am I so messy?" She reprimands herself. Gorya pats her hair, to make it look somewhat presentable and out of nervous habit. She opens the door and Derek turns to her with a smile on his face.

He steps close to her to give her a friendly hug, "Hey, long time no see."

She breaks their hug and says, "I know. It's been a few weeks since we last talked."

Derek nods and awkwardly stands at the front of her door. He says, "So...can I come in?" Gorya widens her eyes and looks behind her at the messy studio. She turns around and says, "How about we go somewhere else?"

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