Let me Return to You Pt. 2

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"Who are you?" Thyme asks the unfamiliar girl standing next to him. Gorya froze in her place. The thought of her worst fear coming true. 

Tia meets eye contact with Gorya as she says, "That's Gorya, your girlfriend Thyme. What?" 

Thyme looks at his sister with confusion, "My girlfriend?" 

Ren steps forward, "Thyme." Tia stops him and says, "Wait, I'll page for the doctor." Ren nods, and Tia looks at Gorya with a panicked expression before leaving the room. 

Thyme stares at her and asks her again, "Gorya? My girlfriend? Ugh." He touches his head as a wave of pain hits his head. Gorya backs away from the bed with Ren's guidance. He touches her shoulder, making her focus on him, "Don't worry, we'll find out what is happening." Gorya feels tears fill up her tear ducts as she shakenly nods to Ren. He walks to Thyme's bedside and asks, "Are you in any pain?" 

Thyme looks at his best friend agitatedly, "No, I don't know." Ren sighs, "Do you remember what happened? Why you're in the hospital?" 

"I-I," Thyme tries to recall the last 24 hours but, his head sends out a pounding pain. "I don't all right?!", Thyme blurts as he massages his temples. 

He locks eyes with Gorya and points at her. He repeats, "Why isn't she talking? Who really is she? Where's my mom?" 

Ren looks back at Gorya and turns to Thyme, patting his shoulder, "Ok, man. Take it easy."

Gorya watched this all unfold but, she couldn't speak. Her heart beats at what felt like a thousand beats per minute. Her whole body went numb every second Thyme looked at her with nothing but emptiness in his eyes. Tia comes in with a doctor, and the doctor goes straight to Thyme's bed and takes the clipboard with his information. "Hi, Mr. Paramaanantra, I am Dr. Preecha Sasithorn. Please allow me to do a routine check to test your motor functions and reflexes," she says with a comforting smile.

"Excuse me, Mr. Aira," Ren steps aside, and she stands closer to Thyme. Tia walks over to Gorya on the couch, both watching them with anticipation. Dr. Sasithorn asks him, "Are you aware that you're in the hospital right now?"


"Are you feeling any soreness, or pain at all? Especially in your head?" she asks. 

"I feel sore and like I have a pounding headache," he says while touching his head. Dr. Sasithorn nods and asks, "Do you know who these people around you are?" 

Thyme looks at his sister and his best friend. The only person he fails to recognize is the girl with the tear-stained face sitting on the couch. He points at her and says, "I don't know her. Can you make her leave? I don't know why you guys are letting in strangers into my room."

Ren angrily says, "Thyme-"

Tia touched his arm and pointed towards Gorya who felt like the whole world is crashing down on her. Gorya slowly stands and wipes away a stray tear. Tia looks at her with sympathy as she says to them, "I'll be outside." Gorya leaves the room and Ren turns to Thyme and says, "You don't have to be so harsh." Thyme doesn't respond and Ren shakes his head as he follows her. Dr. Sasithorn makes eye contact with Tia and turns to Thyme, "Thank you, Mr. Paramaanantra, I will prescribe pain meds to deal with your migraine." Thyme just nods with a sour expression on his face. She finished with the rest of the tests and turned her focus on Tia.

Tia asks, "Is my brother all right?"

Dr. Sasithorn puts the clipboard back onto the front of the bed. She turns to Tia and asks, "Can you come with me for a minute?

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