Chapter 15

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The rest of the day continued on without incident and Reyna was seated next to Eddard while they chatted away about the various Houses that had arrived and the Knights competing.

"I hear The Mountain has gotten even more ruthless, did you hear what he did to a squire?" Reyna enquired while biting into a ripe, red apple with a crunch.

Eddard paused to look at his sister and shook his head as he munched on his apple as well.

"The poor boy didn't sharpen The Mountain's sword how he wanted, so the Mountain used his neck to sharpen it."

Another bite.

Eddard swallowed hard.

His sister's cool demeanour as she spoke of the incident made the story even more morbid.

"Well... glad I'm not competing and if he does anything like that he will basically be dishonouring the King... and you know how that will end." It was Reyna's turn to swallow hard.

Dishonouring The Mad King meant only one thing... Execution and not a simple sword to the neck, The Mad King enjoyed torturing those who crossed him.

"I agree there, it would be an unpleasant event to start off a Tourney. Any idea when the Feast will begin?" Reyna eyed the few scullery maids and cooks that were scuttling about to and from the castle with various foods and barrels of what Reyna guessed was wines and ales.

"Well if I look how much food is already prepared... maybe a few hours more. Just as the sun goes down." Eddard threw his apple core towards the nearby fire. It landed close by and rolled into the fire in the end.

"Well best we mingle, it won't do us well to keep to ourselves." Reyna walked past the fire and dropped her apple core in it and then made her way through the various campsites.

Smiling she greeted the few Lords she recognised. They gave her a curt nod and a few gave smiles.

The few Ladies that knew Reyna came up and chatted and gushed about the tourney, showing off their new dresses they had specially tailored for the tourney and the new jewels around their necks and fingers.

While Reyna did not find these topics interesting she was able to admire the beauty in fabrics and small gems, she wasn't impervious to beauty.

Reyna caught a glimpse of the silver haired Prince and her heart sped up as he disappeared.

She followed the entourage closely as they entered his tent. Reyna knew she had to see him, she had to explain everything to him. Reyna knew the Prince was working to overthrow his own Father, that's how she managed to get so many spies into the Castle.

The Prince did not know it was her that was secretly helping, he only knew that he had one correspondence with a mysterious individual called 'Grey Raven'.

Reyna bit her lip and before a royal guard could question her presence she turned on her heel and made her way towards the Stark Camp.

"Reyna Stark?" A voice called out and Reyna turned, meeting the friendly gaze of Alerie Tyrell, previously Hightower, the blonde woman stood out from everyone with her emerald green dress embroidered with roses that crept up in red and white petals.

She wore a necklace that looked like vines of golden roses and thrones encircling her neck. She wore gold rose earrings with a small ruby to match and her tiara was a simple gold circulate with roses and rubies in them, mirroring the earrings.

Her hair of blonde was in curls and was done in a loose hairstyle, it was simple and not often done in the South where ladies had elaborate hairstyles in updos.

A Pack of Wolves ( Book One - 'The Rebellion') / Game of thronesWhere stories live. Discover now