Chapter 5

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"Father could we please discuss something." Rickard nodded and lead his daughter to his study as the council members left the Great Hall.

"What did you want to discuss?" Richard questioned as the father and daughter made it to his study. Reyna steeled herself as she carefully thought out how to word her ideas to her father.

"The betrothals...Father, it is very suspicious that you are marrying off Brandon and Lyanna... and I know you have already sent proposals to the Lannisters and Tyrells for my hand. What are you plotting?" The Cunning Wolf knew better than to beat around the bush with her father, he had always been direct and serious.

"I should have known better than to think that I wouldn't have you questioning and coming to me with theories... Then tell me what it is you are thinking." Rickard sat back on his chair as his daughter bit her lip with concern evident in her eyes.

"Well the few facts I know for sure is that you have targeted all the great houses... each house holds a title and wields power. My thoughts you are either protecting or rebelling." She laid it out with hand movements and wide eyes as Rickard listened. His daughter truly was the Cunning Wolf.

"Well, what else do you have to say?" Rickard patiently asked.

"I don't agree with either of the confirmed betrothals, Brandon hasn't even met the Tully girl and you know he holds affection for Barbery. Lyanna is only 14 and Robert Baratheon already has a bastard in the Vale, I will not allow such a man to dishonour my sister and house." Reyna stated.

"Well Reyna I am head of house Stark and I have decided these betrothals." Rickard was beginning to get impatient with his daughter.

"Father I know you want power, but by playing this game you are playing with all our lives!" Reyna raised her voice in a desperate effort to convince her stubborn Lord father.

"Well, then it's a good thing I have the support of the Houses to overthrow the mad King." Reyna looks at her father with wide eyes and jaw hitting the floor.

"I can't believe I was right... Father please there are already other plans being made, don't do this!" Reyna stood up and hoped for her family's lives that her father listened.

"What do you mean?" Rickard asked in surprise.

"There are a number of people against Aerys already and The Harrenhal Tourney is a ploy to start it all... I can't give much more information, but father, please listen to me." Rickard's eyes met Reyna's and he sighed.

"I will still meet with the Tullys to discuss an alliance... But I won't propose marriage until after the tourney.. the same for the Baratheons... But Reyna let it be known that if nothing gets done after the Tourney... I will make sure to get the Tryells or Lannisters to accept my proposal for your marriage and then make sure that the Tully and Baratheon betrothals go through.." Reyna blinked tears away and stood tall.

"If the plan does not work ... I will accept it." Reyna confidently stated, holding her head up and looking directly into her father's eyes.

She was now more determined than ever to make the plan her and those loyal to her work, for the sake of her freedom and that of her siblings.

She was now more determined than ever to make the plan her and those loyal to her work, for the sake of her freedom and that of her siblings

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A Pack of Wolves ( Book One - 'The Rebellion') / Game of thronesWhere stories live. Discover now