Chapter 12

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Reyna found herself wandering around the stone walls of the Tullys home with Shyam by her side after the sparring.

She found the Library soon enough and entered it eagerly, hoping to escape their hosts until it was dinner.

"Eddard, I'm not surprised." A smile graced her face as she plopped down next to her brother on the couch in front of a warm fire.

"I was wondering if you would come to join me." Eddard glanced up from his book to give her a small smile.

"I'm going to look around." Eddard nodded and Shyam made himself comfortable in front of the fire.

With quiet surrounding her, Reyna's thoughts turned to the Harrenhal Tourney as she subconsciously ran her fingers down the spines of the books. If the Mad King was going to be there she would need to find a way to have a gathering without causing more deaths.

The thought struck her as she paused.

The invite stated that the nights would be full of celebration.

She could use this as an excuse to have a meeting with the lords.

"Eddard, I didn't think you would be here..." That voice caused Reyna to duck behind the bookshelf and place a hand over her mouth to silence her breathing.

"Sir Brynden.... here to catch up on some reading I assume?" Reyna was hoping Blackfish would leave.

"No, I was looking for Reyna. I assume she is here since her Direwolf is resting at your feet." Reyna wanted to curse, he was smarter then he looked.

"I'm not sure, Reyna did leave a few seconds ago.. Shyam is comfortable with most of us Starks." Eddard lied and Reyna couldn't help but feel touched by her goody-two-shoes brother lying through his teeth to help her.

"I see.. Let her know I was looking for her, will you kid?" Brynden stated as she heard his heavy boots hit the floor and the redwood door slam.

Reyna walked back to where her brother sat and threw her arms around him.

"Aww! look at you Eddard, I am so proud! You lied for me!" Reyna kissed him on the cheek and Eddard rolled his eyes and wiped his cheek.

"I didn't lie for any other reason than to try and get him out of the library so I could read." He stated.

"Of course Eddy." Reyna smiled and gave a laugh as she walked to the desk and grabbed a parchment and quill to write out a detailed plan that would now be executed at the Harrenhal celebrations.

She then went to her room to attach it to her raven and let it fly out of her window.

She took another breath and desperately prayed to the old Gods that this would work.

As morning broke throughout the Riverlands, the Stark convoy was already getting themselves organised for the next leg of the journey as it began to thunder and rain poured down.

"Well, this will be great fun!" Reyna drawled out sarcastically as she got Shyam into a cart and covered the shivering Direwolf.

"There you go boy, stay in here." With one last pat on his head, she walked off to Roshyn, hauling herself up and settling into the saddle.

Despite the truly miserable weather conditions the Stark and Tullys made haste to reach Harrenhal before the weather became more unfavourable.

A Pack of Wolves ( Book One - 'The Rebellion') / Game of thronesWhere stories live. Discover now