Chapter 2 || Some Swords Should Be Used As Paperweights

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Five days later, I found myself back in the underground corridors leading to the secret cell

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Five days later, I found myself back in the underground corridors leading to the secret cell. I had finished the investigation, but since I already put in half the work, I couldn't fight the urge to come back and see what they had put in here. My sixth sense was telling me that there was something more behind all this. Why else would a member of the council hide their activities like this?

The first change I noticed was the overall increase in security. More guards were roaming the facility, making it much harder to sneak in and out if I hadn't already known my way around.

They didn't, however, seem to expect any intruders since I easily knocked out the guard that was stationed in the corridor leading up to the secret cell. I hid his body around the corner and made my way through the hidden door.

I was surprised to see that, this time, the room was dimly lit by several set of runes they must have added recently. Everything else looked pretty much the same except for one major difference. There was a man chained up in the center of the room. He was kneeling, his head and torso slightly bent forward. Both of his wrists and ankles were shackled. His torso was covered by a loose robe, with wide sleeves that were pushed back to reveal toned arms.

I paused at the entrance as the door closed behind me, but he neither acknowledged my presence nor did he show any reaction. I hesitated. This was not what I'd expected to find here, but maybe it wasn't so surprising considering the layout of the room.

Still, lingering wasn't an option considering that the guard could be discovered at any time, so I stepped closer, trying to get a better look at his face that was partly hidden by the hood attached to his robes. Upon closer inspection, I was able to make out the line of his jaw and nose before he jerked his head up and I was met with piercing dark eyes.

It can't be.

His hood fell back revealing short, disheveled, black hair.

Yep. Definitely him.

"Well, this is unexpected." A deep, masculine voice sounded.

I remained silent while I debated my next action.

Should I reveal myself?

I didn't expect this cell to be for a person, especially not him. I had thought about objects and magical creatures, so this turn of events caught me slightly off guard.

He seemed calm for a person that was chained up. In the dim light, his dark eyes looked black. Even without standing, I knew that he was at least a head taller than me.

Instead of replying, I went to examine the runes I had manipulated before. Then I checked the room for any additional measurements they might have taken. But the only thing I found was the set of light runes, and to my bafflement, a sword leaning against the wall.

The blade was made of a black material that seemed to suck in the surrounding light. Upon closer inspection I saw that there were five runes inscribed along it. I hadn't noticed the sword at first because it was set into a hidden niche right in the corner closest to the door.

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