Chapter 16 || Torturers And Their Inferiority Complexes

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The black door at the end of the corridor opened, but instead of taking another prisoner, this time, a man, stepped through

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The black door at the end of the corridor opened, but instead of taking another prisoner, this time, a man, stepped through. I quickly averted my gaze, trying my best to look as insignificant as possible, but what walked through the door next made me freeze in shock.

The sound of claws echoed, and a deep rattling sound made the few people left in line shriek, horrified, as they tried to move as far away from the creature as possible. It was moving in a circle, sniffing the air, as if looking for... something.

Or someone...?

Even with my head slightly turned, I could see it drawing closer and closer to my position. A dark premonition was forming when it stopped right in front of me.

Don't tell me...

"Well, what do we have here. "The man's smile gave me an uneasy feeling. "I will take this one. Personally." His mousy brown hair was falling into his eyes. I felt like I had seen him before, but I couldn't place him. Usually, I characterized people by energy, not just appearance. And my mana was still cut off. "You wouldn't mind, right, Ms. Walker?"

I stared back at him, speechless. That was my real name. The blonde boy in front of me shot me a worried. The man reached for me, forcing me to back away, but unfortunately, he still managed to catch my wrist.

His eyes fell on my earring. In the next second, I felt a weird sensation travelling up my ear, but it was gone just as quickly. With a satisfied look on his face, he took my chains and dragged me through the open door.

Well fuck.

How did he know my real name? For some reason this was not going according to plan. At all.

The only silver lining I could come up with, as the man led me through a series of corridors, was that Ty also knew that things weren't going well. As long as the crystal was still recording, I was at least somewhat safe. In a way.

The creature was right behind me, basically breathing down my neck, as we moved along the hallways. Even though I had been down here several times now, the section we were passing through was new to me. The corridors were more brightly lit, and we passed several closed doors. Some had screams sounding from behind them.

The man turned his head back to me slightly. "It's nice of you to join me tonight, Ms. Walker. Or do you prefer to be called by your alias?" He chuckled to himself. "Ms. Ghost then?"

My stomach dropped at his words, but I kept quiet as I clenched my hands, desperately trying to keep my calm. So, he knew about me. But Ty should probably be on his way by now, right?

"I heard your mana purity is unusually high..." He sounded delighted as he kept talking over my silence. "This will be an amazing opportunity." His head turned back to me, a creepy smile plastered on his stupid face as we stopped in front of another door.

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