Chapter 20 || Fighting A Stone Mage Underground Is A Dumb Thing To Do

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Frost watched us, an eerie smile playing on his lips

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Frost watched us, an eerie smile playing on his lips. While keeping my eyes one him, I cautiously made my way back to the front of the group. Vulcan was still leaning on Christopher, but he was glaring at Frost, an inexplicable hatred filling his usually warm eyes. I brazed myself as Frost raised his arm, but nothing apparent happened at first. Then, in the next second, the whole room was plunged into darkness.

All of a sudden, I saw ten creatures running at me from all directions, effectively surrounding me. I desperately dodged to the side and smashed the two closest to me with a gust of wind, but it didn't have any effect.

Wait a second, ten? Weren't there just two?

Focusing on the flow of air around me I finally realized.


I sidestepped the charging beasts again, redirecting my lightening into the real ones that were charging me. They got blasted away as the illusion shattered and I was back in the hallway panting hard.

Frosts eyes gleamed madly as he watched me with fascination. "So, you hid some of your runes from me. Very clever and ah-" his eyes dropped onto the rune gleaming on my arm, before looking back at Ty's uncle. "I see you finally decided to adjust." A creepy smile spread over his face before his attention returned to me. "How can you be moving though... it doesn't make sense."

This was bad.

I could feel my energy starting to recede. The rune was still glowing, but it was becoming more and more faint. The dust particles had started to cover it.

Fuck Ty, where the hell are you?

I was getting desperate. It was either defeat or attack, so I braced myself and took a deep breath. And then I charged right at him.

"Kaia, no!" Vulcan's shout was lost in the wind roaring around me. Frost just smiled. As I was about to reach him, the ground trembled and a stone wall got erected, effectively covering him. My wind smashed into it but didn't even leave a scratch.

What did I say? Fighting a stone mage inside a cave was a dumb thing to do. Especially a dual stone mage, that could also wield light magic.

Before I could recover, the walls started to move, slowly closing in on me as dozens of creatures were pouncing on me from all sides. By simply relying on my senses, I side-stepped a set of claws, dodged a brick flying over my head and grabbed what looked like a jaw full of teeth ready to tear into my limbs. Then I blasted it with lightning.

In the next second, the images vanished. The walls looked normal again as I gazed at the man that had retreated a few steps back.

His arms were smoking, the distinct smell of burnt hair filling the air. Blonde hair, so light it was nearly white, covered his head. His skin was pale as well, like someone who never spent any time outside. He had a thin, aristocratic face with light green that eyes were staring at me in disbelief.

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