Chapter 8 || How To Establish A Working Relationship

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It took Ty nearly two hours to get back

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It took Ty nearly two hours to get back. He was greeted by a cold, silent glare, as he gave a quick recount of what he had found out. Just as we'd feared, they were smuggling kids from the orphanage to the fortress.

"I know a place where we might get some information..." He trailed off, looking uncomfortable. Rubbing the back of his neck uneasily, he kept twitching and moving around as he continued. "They should know who else is helping them cover this up. And they might have the records of the children that got taken in within the last few months."

My silence was the only reply he got as I shrugged, indicating for him to lead the way.

We moved through the city, an awkward silence hanging between us. I kept ignoring Ty's attempts at conversation, while contemplating my next actions. I couldn't really solve our predicament without him, but this wouldn't do. On a positive note, the silent treatment seemed to get to him.

He cleared his throat for the twentieth time and said, "Look, K. I'm sorry I went in alone. But that guy..." He hesitated slightly before continuing. "I didn't want you to run into him by accident. Plus, Paul did make me promise him to keep you safe..." He trailed off again, closely monitoring my reaction.

I kept my face impassive, as I walked next to him. On the inside, I was boiling.

He seemed to sense my anger, because he started again. "K, I'm sorry, alright? But we have to solve this together..." I raised an eyebrow at this remark. He seemed to realize his mistake because he stopped, scratching his cheek before he finally admitted his mistake. "Okay, I fucked up. Can you please say something at least?"

"Oh, you mean me? Sorry, I'm just one of those decorative ornaments you put safely in the corner. I didn't know we had speaking privileges. I mean silence might be safer, and I wouldn't want to comprise your promise, right?!"

He stared at me for a few seconds. "Fine. It was an asshole move to put it like that. You win. Next time we'll do it your way."

We were about to arrive at our destination when I grabbed Ty's arm and pushed him against the wall next to us. It was a bit tough to intimidate him like this due to our difference in height, but I managed. He eyed me warily as he waited for me to speak.

"Tell me, Tyler, are you my bodyguard? Are you here so you don't break your precious promise? Or are we working on this together? Cause I think there seems to be some confusion in our business relationship here."

He looked a bit hurt when I called it a business relation, but at this point I didn't care. We had to establish some rules here. As if sensing that whatever he was going to say next would determine the future of our business relationship, he seemed to go over his answer carefully before he leaned down, looking straight into my eyes. "Sorry partner. I get your point. You got the lead from now on."

I smiled widely at him, which made him flinch back in response. It was my business smile. "So, next time something dangerous comes up, and I'm the more suited person to go in and deal with it..."

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