Chapter 7 || The Villain And This Sidekick

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The next three weeks were a blur

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The next three weeks were a blur. Tyler and I spent all our time either running or hiding from the horde of bounty hunters Victor Cane had sent on us.

By some miracle, we still made progress. Tyler managed to contact the guild, and although they couldn't help us officially -since we were deemed fugitives- Paul had made full use of his spy network to see what he could find out on his side.

Surprisingly, Ty even got him to agree to keep my brother out of the loop for the time being, although he insisted on one condition. I had to stay with Ty until the situation was resolved. That had been the initial plan anyways, but it was interesting to see that Paul deemed my being in Ty's presence safe enough for him not to alert my brother.

In the last few days, we identified some of Cane's underground contacts, some even directly worked with him. But we had to leave most of the follow up to Paul, since the bounty hunters always tracked us down if we stayed in one place for too long.

Between the two of us, it was nearly impossible to approach unnoticed. So far, we always got away unscratched, but it had become increasingly annoying to deal with them. Especially since it thwarted our progress significantly.

I was still marveling at the fact that Ty and I had developed a sort of companionship, even friendship, with each other. Although annoying at times, it was pleasantly surprising to realize that he wasn't at all like the broody man I'd thought him to be. He was a lot less reserved than I'd expected, so very different from the man I'd seen at the guild headquarters a few times. Being with him was, simply put, surprisingly comfortable. I was not the most comfortable person around strangers, so this was new territory for me.

Right now, his tall frame was leaning on a railing eight stories high above the ground, handsome face half hidden under a big hood that was attached to a loose black robe reaching nearly his knees. The sleeves were cut short, exposing the dark tight shirt he wore underneath. He had several black metal plates lined around his forearm that seemed to absorb light. He was dressed in black most of the time, of course.

The metal looked pretty ordinary, blending in perfectly with the dark material underneath. That is, until he made use of them. They would rotate around him like satellites, blocking or attacking depending on the situation. He was able to instantly reshape them into whatever form he needed purely on instinct, showing off the abnormal control he had over his element.

His gaze was focused on the building opposite ours. The central government emissary. Stretching my arms, I suppressed a yawn, as I tried to distract myself from the tiredness that kept sticking to me.

"You know, I'm actually quite surprised. I expected you to be dark and broody, but here you are. More like a con artist who smiles at you while robbing your whole house."

Ty turned his head towards me. "Maybe I just want to show you my best side." He wiggled his eyebrows, earning an eyeroll from me.

"I like the melancholy broody type more to be honest." I lied just to spite him.

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