Chapter 19 || Family Similarities

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Ty's uncle and I carefully exited through the door at the far end and found ourselves back in the chamber where Frost had tortured me

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Ty's uncle and I carefully exited through the door at the far end and found ourselves back in the chamber where Frost had tortured me. I quickly averted my gaze from the stretcher that seemed to bring back the memories that I had tucked away carefully. I would never endure something like this without a fight again. Even if fighting was the last thing I did.

Vulcan strode over to the table to examine the instruments laid out. His finger was trailing over a rune graver, contemplating carefully. "I have an idea. It won't be pleasant, but it will increase our chances significantly. If you trust me..."

"Let's do this." I replied determinedly.

He turned to me a look of concern and hesitation on his face that suddenly brought out a striking resemblance to Ty. "How much metal dust did Tyler use?"

I spread my hands apart. "It was a full pouch, about this big."

"Then it should be enough." He picked up a rune graver and indicated to the stretcher. My body strained against my mind, but I still managed to walk over and sit down on it.

His eyes were warm has he took my other arm and gently placed the tip of the graver onto my skin. "Don't worry this should last only for about an hour."

I nodded, bracing myself for the pain that would follow. Then he started writing, but instead of the agony I was expecting, it felt sort of ticklish. A familiar flow of mana was settling over my skin, tingling slightly. Lightning magic.

The rune was finished in a few minutes. I felt as if someone had doused me with energy as I jumped back up to my feet. Lightning was crackling over my skin. Guess this answers the question on why they had kidnapped him.

"How did you know I could use lightning magic as well?" I asked him as he put away the graver.

"I am a blacksmith. Of course, I should be able to tell the mana signature of any vessel apart." He met my gaze. "No matter if the vessel is and object or a body."

Does this mean Ty can do the same?

I smiled evilly. "Ty told me he had surpassed you ages ago." Did I just snitch on him? Maybe. Was it deserved? Hell, yeah.

Ty's uncle scoffed indignantly. "That boy said what now?! Unbelievable. He's still half-baked and has the nerve to think he surpassed me. Pah! Let's get going. We don't need him to get out of here."

I grinned. Ty would never be able to live this down. 

Vulcan and I sped through corridors and doors, trying to look for a way out. He was surprisingly fast and agile for someone who had spent the last month stuck inside a prison cell.

We burst through a set of doors that led into a big chamber. More cells were lining the walls on each side, and five guards were sitting at a table in the corner. They immediately jumped to their feet, but I was faster. Electricity crackled through the air around me as I dashed forward. They didn't stand a chance. The lightning crashed into them before any of them even managed to draw their weapons, knocking them out cold.

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