Chapter 4 || Tinkerbell

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I turned my head towards whatever was out there, but my brain didn't completely process what was about to happen

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I turned my head towards whatever was out there, but my brain didn't completely process what was about to happen. It took the distinct sound of claws to snap me back to reality. I couldn't figure out how it had gotten so close without either of us noticing it at all.

Unless it was here the whole time.

I had seconds to react because the sound didn't come from down the corridors. It was coming from right next to me.

"Watch out!" I pushed Tyler into the tunnel, barely dodging the sharp claws that nearly scratched my face. A few inches to the left and I would be walking around with a huge scar on my cheek for the rest of my life. The creature was so fast that by the time I turned back, it had disappeared into the shadows of the tunnel once more. The lights were too dim to sufficiently illuminate my surroundings.

When I faced the darkness, a set of milky eyes looked back at me. A low growl echoed through the passage right before its sharp claws scratched across the stone floor. Then it pounced on me again. The corridor wasn't exactly wide, so dodging again was out of the question.

This time, however, Tyler was there. His sword slashed down on the creature, clipping it on its shoulder. It hissed at him but only backed up slightly before charging at us again. He barely blocked its claws while his other hand reached for me. Without further ado, he grabbed the back of my clothes and basically threw me into the tunnel.

"Get in here!" After warding off another attempt of whatever was trying to eat us for dinner, Tyler dashed into the tunnel after me. Now the problem of a wide-open door remained.

"Close the door, I'll hold it off." I reached for my magic, and this time I didn't hold back. Tyler looked for the runes that would hopefully close the door from the inside while I pulled the air together.

In the next second, that thing was in front of me again, but before it got the chance to attack, I let loose. A strong gust of wind erupted in front of me, and didn't only knock the creature back, it propelled it into the opposite wall.

"Found them," Tyler yelled as he activated a set of runes a few meters down the tunnel.

I sighed in relief, but it turned out to be a second to early. Halfway through closing the gap, the creature appeared once more, opening its claws and reaching for me.

"Shit," Tyler cursed, and quickly dashed forward to pull me back at the same time as I tried to retreat. A knife flew past my face, through the opening, and a howl echoed in the tunnel. Apparently, it had hit its mark.

Due to our combined momentum, we both toppled over with me landing right on top of him. My face ended up being pressed into his chest as he half hugged me, his fist still clutching the back of my clothes.

He grunted in pain when I tried to get up, accidentally digging my elbow into his ribs. After I had finally managed to detangle myself, I narrowed my eyes at him when he tried to sit up.

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