Chapter 17 || We Can Finally Agree On Something

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I stood frozen, my eyes still glued to the crystal that had stopped working

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I stood frozen, my eyes still glued to the crystal that had stopped working. Cane looked pale as armed forces started surrounding us. Paul had coordinated the arrest with the local police under the condition that we would present the final evidence at the council meeting.

The other council members were whispering amongst each other, before one of them stepped forward and announced that they had voted on the suspension of Cane until the case was thoroughly investigated.

Unlike most others, I couldn't care less as I moved through the crowd of security and guild members looking for Tyler. I found him talking to Paul, his apprehensive expression mirroring my own.

They looked wary when I stepped up to them, but despite my urge to fling Tyler across the room, I simply met his gaze.

"Where do we go?" I asked Ty. The time to fight would be later. Now, I needed to get my sister out of whatever bigger trouble she managed to jump into. Sometimes, patience was key for a truly sweet revenge

"Follow me." Tyler nodded at Paul, and then we were moving. For once I didn't disturb the tense silence hanging between us. His brows were furrowed as we dashed through the streets. Despite my advantage of being an air mage that got two different movement speed runes, he was basically just as fast. In no time, we had left the city behind and approached the mountain range to the east.

"Where the hell are we going?" I kept my breathing even as I channeled mana into my rune in order to keep up.

How was this guy so fast?

"Mount Raz."

"You send her to Mount Raz?" I asked incredulously.

His frown deepened. "It should have been fine. She was there several times already..." He trailed off looking worried again.

"What?" What had my sister been up to while I was gone, and why hadn't Paul or anyone else told me?

"For her job," Tyler clarified.

"I think I need to have a word with Paul," I growled quietly.

"It's weird though. I think they used those creatures to track us, but she was underground in a gigantic maze. It just doesn't make sense that they could've found her this fast." I could hear the frustration in his voice.

"Who else knew about your plan?"

"Just us basically. And Paul. He might have clued in some of the other guild members as well, but it was top secre-" He stopped talking abruptly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I was thinking there might be a mole in the guild but..."

I nearly stumbled. "What, are you crazy? Now you don't trust the guild anymore?" I felt offended. A mole would be a big blow for the guild. It just couldn't be.

"Well, I don't know, bu-"

I interrupted him. "Just because you are not in the guild, the guild is bad now?"

He shot me an angry look. "I am just considering all options."

"Maybe you should have considered going to Mount Raz yourself, instead of hiding behind me sis-"I didn't get to finish my sentence because Tyler spun around to push me against a nearby tree. In the next second, we were tumbling over the uneven ground. A heavy aura surrounded him, and a glare had replaced his cool mask. Guess that one hit a nerve.


"I am not hiding behind your sister," he growled quietly. "You should also keep in mind that I am not her superior." He shot me a pointed look. "And neither are you." With the last sentence he stepped back, letting go of my shirt. That was when I noticed that the surrounding area was a mess. Sticks littered the ground, and some trees were nearly turned over. We both glanced at the destruction our sudden stop seemed to have caused before he sighed. "We can talk about this later. For now, we have a job to do."

"Sure," I agreed easily. We were going to have that talk later alright. I smirked to myself as I followed a few steps behind him. And I was going to save that little tidbit of information I just got, so I could put it to a good use. How to crack Tyler Hall's annoyingly calm facade.

The light was fading as we finally arrived on a hill overlooking Mount Raz. A fortress made out of a dark stone was set at its base. The fading light plunged it into a deep shadow.

Tyler looked back at me. "How you wanna do this? I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of all this sneaking around. I could use some exercise to release all this tension."

"How bout we give them something else to focus on, so they don't start getting any ideas about Kai."

"Glad we can finally agree on something." I could see the suppressed fury in his eyes, as a devious grin spread over his face. "Let's announce ourselves then, shall we?"

Tyler took a deep breath before he bent down and placed both of his hands on the earth.

"Er... By release some tension, I thought you meant going in swinging, not praying."

He didn't reply and in the next second I understood. The whole mountain was shaking in response to his rage.

 The whole mountain was shaking in response to his rage

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