Chapter 21 || Tyler Owes Me A New Weapon

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Thanks to us smartly announcing our entrance, we were spotted way before we even reached the first wall of the fortress

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Thanks to us smartly announcing our entrance, we were spotted way before we even reached the first wall of the fortress. Not that it slowed us down. Much.

Tyler slammed into the wall like a cannonball, his magic pulsing through the ground around us. A crack formed from the impact and then the wall crumbled before us, leaving an opening at least nine feet wide. I didn't know he had this much juice in him. Maybe, maybe, I would have to adjust my plan for our talk later. A less fighting and more talking strategy might be more fitting.

Guess it was time for me to act as well. I'd be an idiot to pass up an opportunity like this where I could simply let loose without worrying about the consequences. Gripping my spear, I took a running start and leaped up onto the gate of the next barricade. The air started moving, encircling me, faster and faster until I stood in my own personal tornado Stones and bricks lifted off the ground, acting like small artillery as they shot through the air. I started channeling my lightning magic. The guards were screaming and running at me, but they didn't get far. My favorite was about to happen.

Electricity charged the air, and in the next second a lightning bold crashed into the gate, completely obliterating the whole machinery. I dropped to the ground, the gate crashing down behind me.

The wall next to me trembled, and a second later Tyler crashed through, his eyes flashing. I stared at the entrance I had just opened and back at him. He shot me a quick smirk before kicking the ground and sending a shockwave through it, efficiently knocking over more security that had spilled into the yard.

What a show-off.

We continued to force our way into the castle leaving destruction in our wake. An alarm was blaring, but the flood of guards was thinning out rather than growing.

Suddenly, a big burly man with a huge mustache came from the right side of the closed double doors that blocked us from entering the castle. Just by his aura, I could tell right away that he wouldn't be as easy to take down.

He brandished a huge bastard sword that seemed to emit a chilling aura. "This will be far enough. I don't know who you think you are, but your intrusion in here will have severe consequences."

Three more men, donned in dark red robes fanned out behind him. I adjusted my stance. It seemed like they'd sent in the cavalry.

Tyler jumped onto the rubble next to me, his dark eyes fixed on the gate. "I'm gonna leave those clowns to you. "

I stared at him. "You want me to take care of all of them? How about a hand?"

"Why," he drawled a smirk his face, "you need my help with this small fry?"

I scoffed. You didn't need to be an expert in mana reading to realize that this group was anything but small fry. "Of course, I don't really need you but- "

"Then it's settled. You wouldn't be of any help in there anyways," I was about to protest when he continued, "unless you were planning to rescue K by burying her beneath a pile of rubble."

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