Chapter 13 || Where Is My Sister?

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I was walking over the roof of the council hall at half past six

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I was walking over the roof of the council hall at half past six. The meeting would start in half an hour.

Every month, they were holding one council meeting in public. They usually took decisions there that were open to public voting. Although it was mostly for show since they presented anything that would be rejected. I had heard from Charlie that something big would be going down tonight, so I expected Kai to be here. The place was swarming with security, which was why I opted to stay in the bird's nest.

Looking over the edge of the roof, the big hall spread out below me. I had nearly missed the memo since I'd been AWOL for the last weeks, trying to catch Kai and that bastard. Luckily, Charlie had managed to reach me at the last moment. Apparently, even the guild was on the move. For the last weeks, I'd been staying away from the headquarters in order to move about more easily. Paul had let me know that Kai was safe for now, but I didn't like where this was going. Not one bit.

I wouldn't rest easy until she was back with me. I could take care of the rest.

A hooded person wearing a dark cloak was moving through the crowd. Something about him seemed familiar...

Wait wasn't that the bastard?

He seemed to be holding an object in his hand. When I couldn't find Kai after scanning the crowd multiple times, I decided to follow the bastard for now. I tracked him until he rounded a corner, disappearing into an adjacent hallway.

Swiftly, I sprinted over the rooftop before I jumped, dropping onto the balcony twenty feet below with ease. After breaking in through the window, I made my way down a staircase that led me right into the same hallway I saw him disappear into.


The hallway was empty. He couldn't have gone far though. The whole thing had taken maybe ten seconds. I ran down the next corridor, but it was empty as well. I kept moving when suddenly an arm appeared in my line of sight at high speed. Reacting purely by reflex, I spun on my feet and my spear materialized in my hand. Before I could put it to use, the bastard had reached out and grabbed it.

Bad move.

I smirked at him. In the next second, lightning crackled up and down the spear's handle. Even though he let go and stepped back, he didn't even flinch as the electricity hit him. I frowned in disappointment. This much should've knocked him straight on his ass. The air moved with me as I went for him again.

"Kieran, knock it off. It's me." He pushed back his hood revealing tousled black hair, slightly shorter than mine, and dark brown eyes.


I narrowed my eyes further. Ignoring his comment, I grabbed the front of his clothes pushing him against the wall. "Where is my sister, asshole?" I growled at him.

"What is it with you siblings and walls?" He kept his calm as he met my eyes straight on.

"What?" I frowned at him confused. "Answer my question!"

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