Scene 7 - 10 Seconds Left To Live

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We cut back once more to the control room of the Eye. Morgolock carefully controls the instrument panel once again. The Monk continues to advise with his hands in his sleeves. The controls are becoming unresponsive to Morgolock.


That interference you saw was the passing of a vessel through one of our Carriages, Morgolock. Whoever they have had the ability to pass through our highway in their time space capsule and can identify what it is. Therefore, their ship will be able to follow the highway and find out where we are. If they head the right way.


To us? Here?


Well, only as an assumption, my son. I'm sure as scientists you thought you would have been able to work that out. That is why sometimes you must turn your advice to faith and religion.

Summer returns back in.


What seems to be the trouble?


Something has interfered in one of the Carriages, Summer. The controls are becoming unresponsive on that Highway and is going to cause chaos of traffic conditions unless it is sorted out and quick. Must have been something to do whatever has passed through it. Maybe just a loss of connection or a fault in the circuitry. Quick, pass me the tools at once.

Summer quickly leaves again. Morgolock opens the underneath hatch where we see the complex circuitry.

You seem to know a good deal about what this disturbance is, Father. Why don't you tell us so we it can help fix our trouble on the Highway?


The fix should I believe restore itself, given a few minor adjustments to the programming in there by yourself.


And what about those who've caused it?


I think all is better left to be foretold when they arrive. When they get here.

We return to see the Doctor, Sarah, and Harry passing through the fields of the planet.


How much further?


Soon be there, Sarah. You know, the nice thing about the TARDIS not landing where it is usually supposed to is that it keeps her away from enemy lines. This time, she did her best to follow the trace of the Time Carriage and keep herself clear of them.


And it keeps us fit by going on these long walks.

They pass towards a new field covered with low-lying branches. The three of them pass through them, as the Doctor takes his long multi-coloured into his protection so it is not caught by a branch to be caught, ripped, and ruined.



The Oripicinni spying on them charges in front of them. The black horse cries as its legs rise into the air. Sarah yelps and falls back to the Doctor and Harry as they are attacked. The man points his gun at them.


Halt, intruders!


Do you think you could keep your animal under better control? You nearly went colliding into us.


Silence. You are intruders to our fields. The penalty is death.


Well we're sorry. We didn't know. We only just got here. We got caught in your space motorway and had to land on your fields.


Maybe it might be better if we're intruding that my friends and I just departed. It will save us from having a nasty scene and getting all hasty and such. Come along, Sarah. You too, Harry.

They begin to leave.


Hold it. Come back here.


Look, don't worry about us. We're travellers, we will be on our way and leave you alone and let you get on with your jousting or whatever you do for a living. You have a big horse and needs plenty of exercise. Lovely day. Open fields. Nothing but you and your old friend here. He has a very nice coat to him. Do you think we want to do any harm to him? An innocent horse like yours. All he wants is a bit of attention and love you need to give to him, such as a good run along the fields.


You have ten seconds to tell me who you are or I shoot you here and now.


Listen, there's really no need to start threatening us with pistols like that. You really going to shoot us in cold blood like that?


Five seconds!


Alright. In the meantime, have a jelly baby.

The Doctor throws his white pack of sweets at the Oripicinni who catches it. The horse suddenly panics and screams. It then bolts away in the blink of an eye as the man clings onto his horse, yelling as his horse uncontrollably accelerates away into the far distance.

Poor horse. Terribly easy to frighten. And he seemed like such a nice horse too.


Well these Oripinccini aren't exactly friendly, even if their horses are.


That one was. Usually, they're just as aggressive as their masters. Maybe he liked us. You can't blame the animal exactly. It's their owners who's at fault.


Doctor, I think we'd better continue on our way before we are stopped by any more angry horseriders.


Quite right.

The Doctor continues forward, and his companions follow.

Mind the good luck.

Harry then steps into a big pile of sloppy poop. PLOP! He looks down at his shoes, sighing to himself at walking into the big slop of dung he went straight into. Cleaning himself out of it, Harry then quickly hurries after the Doctor and Sarah. We can see ahead where the underground section to the Eye in the distance. The Doctor and his friends keep heading forward. We hear their conversation as they head to it.

There it is. In there.


In there?


Yes. We'll find a way to get down there. No more Oripicinni in sight for the moment.


You'd think there be more guards around here. Or maybe there are, in there.

We cut inside back to the Eye, and see the Doctor and his friends approaching the entrance from the camera view on one of the monitors.


They are arriving. We must welcome them.

The Doctor and his friends stop at the pit and look down it. We see their view from looking up to see their poking heads.


A staircase?

The Doctor then begins heading down first. Sarah then follows, and then Harry.

We're getting warm, I think. Lighting inside? A cosy little headquarters to run the illegal organisation. Not quite impregnable or invisible.

They are out of camera view...

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