Scene 4 - Desperus

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We cut back to view the exterior of the prison on Desperus, and then the interior to a new area of the prison. In cells, we can see some other humans, or humanoid species, behind their doors. In some of these new cells, we see other villains such as an Ogron, a Mutt, an Exxilon, and a Draconian all in cells 3R12, 3R13, 3R14, and 3R15. The cells are designed like the previous area we saw, with descriptions and information about the prisoner on a monitor next to their cell door. Two Oripicinni skulk the corridors, aimlessly patrolling their rounds. In 3R16, we see a small Italian man with black flat hair looking outside of his cell. The man, Gulf, sees the two Oripicinni patrolling from right to left and left to right a couple of time, bored of seeing them.


You know you don't have to keep patrolling this corridor. Why don't you try elsewhere for a change?

The two guards walk to the right of the screen, followed by another two Oripicinni guards passing us. We hear two loud bashes and two heads being hit against the ground. The other two men, carrying the bodies of the unconscious guards.

Breakout time, is it Danny?

Danny takes his hat off and mask.


Good to see you again, Gulf. Now, get this suit on. Quick. Before we're seen.

The cell door is opened by Danny in his Oripicinni disguise by placing his hand over the handprint and opening the cell door as it slides to the left. More Oripicinni guards come down from the left hand side to patrol the corridors. We then see three Oripicinni guards marching their way in the opposite direction. They are the Zombie Fullheads members. When they pass the other Oripicinni, they do not stop them in any way. We do see the two guards passing the cell where Gulf was imprisoned and see the window with nobody inside from the view the camera looks in at. This then cuts to the corridor the three Zombie Fullheads members sneakily walk down in their disguised outfits.


Grazie for rescuing me, Danny. How many more of these men in black are we going to lock in their own cell before we finally get out of this place?


We leave now.


Now? But some of our friends are still in here.


They will have to wait. We need to make our move, now. We have much work to do.

We return to the tunnel where the Zombie Fullheads have stripped their disguise and are returned to their normal outfits. The sequence of seeing the motorcyclists on their jetmobiles ready to charge into time and space again. Danny is at the front, with Gulf behind to his right, and another hardcore playboy style character who is opposite to Bones on Danny's back left. The three of them rev their jetmobiles up like motorcycles loudly.


I admire your wit my friend in continually engineering these ways to get us out of here one by one. Help bringing the fight for the Zombie Fullheads to our victorious end.


Someone's gotta try. No sign of this Doctor yet. But we have an arrangement that we need to stick to. Your old pal Funny Bones will be there too, Gulf.


Excellent! Then what are we waiting for?


That's the spirit!

They then accelerate off ahead and begin to fade into the vortex of time and space. Just as they fade, we see the Oripicinni carriage charging in the opposite direction, slowing down speed as they arrive at the terminal. They come to a halt. The Oripicinni driver controls the horses well.


Here we are. A rather fast yet smooth ride. If I must say so even if I strongly oppose it.


I could have sworn I saw something fly past us a moment ago.


Really? What did you see?


Something like men on motorcycles. Three of them.


Men on motorcycles. Elaborate!


Ah well, Sarah was probably just seeing things. She needs to have her eyes tested I think. Hadn't we better head on out. You're supposed to be taking us to your prison planet. Come on. Come on.

The doors are opened for the carriage...

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