Scene 6 - Electrified

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We see the Monk busily tinkering underneath the panel of the control panel, fiddling with the circuitry, tangling himself in it. The General and Colonel wait for a result. They see the Doctor and his friends coming down the Eye, and hear some movement deeper into the complex, meaning arrivals were heading towards the control room.

Colonel Macrabre:

That Doctor! With those rogue elements!

The General and Colonel take their guns out and stand by in the direction leading out. The Monk has finished his work and gets up, closing all the opened boards for the panel.

General Skunk:

I hope you have finished your work, father.


Not only that, but the panel has been electrified. The Time Carriages cannot be turned off now.

General Skunk:


The Monk puts his hood up and begins to creep slowly into the shadows of his room. The General and Colonel expect the arrivals to appear from the door leading to the main entrance, but they overlook the entrance that leads deeper into the underground base. A silver gun points from it, aiming for the Oripicinni General. The Colonel turns to look.

Colonel Macrabre:

Look out!

He jumps in front of him. BAM! And is shot dead by Danny. He and Summer burst in, shoot the General's pistol away and puts his hands up. The Doctor, Sarah, and Harry arrive behind Danny and Summer.


You clearly don't know this place well enough, do you, General?

General Skunk:

Another entrance I take it. How convenient for you, Danny, boy!


You're finished now, General. Your army has all been swallowed up by us.

General Skunk:

Maybe on this planet, but not across the rest of the universe. We have sent for reinforcements from our home world and will be arriving soon. A bridgehead that is so enormous that it will be too large for you to even begin to visualise.


We can still shut the highways down. And it will put pay to your plans for good.

General Skunk:

Only if the control panel wasn't conducting electricity. You can't shut it off now.


Then the power can be cut. And that would then shut down the instrument panel, and bring the Time Carriages to a complete standstill.

General Skunk:

Good luck trying to find out how to do that one. You see Doctor, you're convincing about our plans got into the head of Morgolock after all. He sent many of our Streltsy armies into doomed worlds on the tip of their destruction. In vengeance of my men, having him have my men, I have my men have him.


You monster! You despicable, evil monster!

General Skunk:

Justice is satisfying. As the Zombie Fullheads fully understand.

We see Funny Bones and Gulf pulling up towards the Eye entrance on their bikes. The General and deceased Colonel's horses wait outside. Back in the Eye, the Doctor hears the sound of a closing door. He sees the Monk slipping away back into his room.


The Monk!

He, Harry, Danny, and Summer charge after him. The Monk hurries to the silver block against the wall. The Doctor opens it up, and the Monk is confronted by the four of them.

It's over now, Monk. No more interfering with time. We can let the Time Lords take care of the crimes you've committed.


Indeed, Doctor. It is time for no more interfering with time.

The Doctor and the others step towards him, but the Monk slips into the container. Danny tries to break open the doors, but it begins to materialise away! He then stands away as the Monk's own TARDIS, disguised in its surroundings, fades away.


Dargh! It was his TARDIS. I knew he would have had it somewhere about.


So that was the Monk. The brains behind the whole operation. Mastermind. Head honcho supremo.


Yes. A renegade of my own race. My people aren't all as good as we make out to be sometimes.

We hear a cry from Sarah in the control room. The Doctor and the others rush back and see that both the General and Sarah have gone!


We hear the pompous laugh of the General escaping with Sarah.


I should have stayed with him!


Quickly. We have to get after him.


What about the reinforcements on their way?


We'll sort them out later! Right now, Sarah is in more danger!


The General is a desperate man. He's the last man standing now.


Why don't Harry and I stay here and try to cut the power. You and the Doctor go after, Sarah.


But you're not a proper scientist, Summer. How do you know what you're doing?


As the Doctor said, just cut everything.


Alright. We've got to get the General before he joins a highway, otherwise they will be vaporised at termination.

The Doctor and Danny hurry away.


Harry, open the box there up. I will fetch my things.

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