PART 3 - Scene 1 - The Monk's Return

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(Opening titles)

We begin from the cliffhanger.


You need not to fret over them. All is in hand. Your other friend might be free but he shan't be for long. We will find them eventually. It is all a matter of time. But speaking of which as you so sarcastically put it, I decided to visit you so I can humbly ask you one last time my fair offer. I proposed to you that we both join forces and help create a new universe. A new universe of our own making.


And you've come to ask to see if I've changed my mind.


Well, putting it simply, yes.


The concept is tempting.




Fascinating. The ability to play God and create a whole new universe as you envision it.




A universe full of good. A universe that sees no evil. A universe that should not be tampered or fiddled about by your grubby hands.




I would never support your disgusting scheme for any moment, Monk. Sarah and I would rather stay in here until the end of time then help the cause of you.

The Monk frowns, and gruffs his voice.


In that case. You will stay in there forever. We could have been so much, Doctor. But I am now very sorry. Enjoy the Slopdova Pudding. It was a recipe I cooked up for the deserving criminals aboard this prison planet!

He then leaves. The Doctor frowns seriously. We then see the Monk leaving down the corridor with Oripicinni guards. The camera sees them passing a door with a thin entrance with the Monk and guards front facing towards us. They step through before the sliding doors close to a shut. This then cuts to see the Monk returned back to the Eye. Morgolock continues to unhappily operate the control panel, knowing that the Monk is returning from the vibrations judging by his unhappy facial expression and turn of the head. He arrives in.


What did the Doctor decide?


He rejected my proposal. Why. Why, why, why! Why can't he see my objectives? All for that good will of compassion and kindness!


What are you saying, Father?


Oh. I am merely stating my good son, that in time of war, we cannot allow ourselves to become uncivilised and foolish with our actions. In spite of how easy it may seem. That is what the Doctor has decided. He would not listen to my humble words. And bellowed about his science and all. I did my best. But it seems I shall have to see fit on my own. How are the Streltsy progressing now?


Fit, father. Fit. Almost too well.


You still whimper in secrecy at the immorality of the situation. Remember, think of others' perspectives and your inner feelings, brother. As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy. And I always believe survival is also the best policy. Continue, Morgolock. Continue.

He then departs back to his meditation. Morgolock is left on his own again. The Casthian looks at the control panels before him, and the scanners showing the Oripicinni marching through civilisations and slaughtering the innocent. He is still disgusted by this. Left with his own thoughts and feelings, the silence around him, the guilt that sweats on his head, the Casthian hears the Doctor's words that he was told to him and hears them on repeat; "Now you know who the Oripicinni really are. You know now that they're more than just highwaymen with a profit to make. Are you going to be part of this? To help the subjugation of countless of innocent lives? Help the universe turn into dust and corruption? Or are you better than that?" and " Think about it, Morgolock! If you help them then you're just as bad!".

Finally, Morgolock cracks! He slams his head against the console, panting heavily. Finally, his sanity is restored and his panting heavily intensifies. Morgolock has an idea. He still has to plot course for Streltsy to arrive at destinations across the galaxy. The Casthian then begins reprograming the course for the planets that the Oripicinni will use to worlds where they will perish. Worlds that once encountered on arrival cannot be escape proof to return to the highways. He programs some from the planet to dead worlds. Another option he takes is to send the highway from worlds the Oripicinni are already at to more dead worlds. Morgolock has begun to trick the Oripicinni and sends them into oblivion. We see a sequence of him quickly and busily operating the control panel, filling himself with anger and rage. He does this to many highways that the Oripicinni are on. His hands work hard, and his eye contact and concentration are strong. Morgolock finally completes his task with great satisfaction...

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