A Remnant of the Past

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Hello! I wanted to say some things. This chapter got some SPOILERS for chapter 13 to 14 in Cookie Run: Kingdom (however, just some dialogues and the lore), some of parts are canon, some aren't! Also if I misspelled pretend you're reading with right words..

Enjoy this chapter! I will be available and post the chapters, because I am real busy in the school.. high school technically.

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The team of Cookies roamed around the Kingdom, filled by cookies. They are walking to the air balloon, a pink one headed by the left side of the Kingdom, sitting on the landing zone. Gingerbrave is thrilled to get into next adventure, so Chili Pepper Cookie, Wizard Cookie and Custard The III's Cookie are. The exclusion is the Strawberry Cookie, who might be scared of the mission, depending on the severity, she thinks.

"Oh yeeaah!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, as Chili Pepper has walked to other side infront of the landing zone, just to return with nothing but gold in her hand. Custard the III's is demanding Strawberry Cookie to kneel down for some play games, so she did follow his orders. She giggled and lightened up herself after Custard got into top of her, smiling.

Wizard Cookie approached Gingerbrave with curiosity. He is the wizard -as we know- that knows the magic, however, he still gets into in a small amount of politics, and so also, got interested when Pure Vanilla Cookie has called him and the team for help. "So," He spoke in a normal, calming voice as he moves his staff, (wooden staff holding the blue wrapped candy at top) when he moves to the hot air balloon, preparing it. Meanwhile so, he talked. "Pure Vanilla Cookie has called for us?"

"That's what I am thrilled about, it's about next adventure! But yes, he called for us! I wonder what is about?" Gingerbrave answered the question as he is happy about the call of Pure Vanilla, as the cookie himself left the hint of adventure. "We are going to find out in the Pure Vanilla Kingdom!"

It's been two weeks since the Dark Cacao incident happened alongside the Cookies of Darkness. The family reunion, that.. lion who did escape.

Wizard Cookie laughed. "Alright, alright. We can find out later." As just in time when he finished phrasing, the air balloon is done to take off, prepared by Gingerbrave himself with a help of the Gnomes. As it is done, they met together to jump in the air balloon.

"Alright, friends! It's time to meet.. uh.. dad!" Custard the III exclaimed nervously and confused in same time causing the group laugh. Even Chili Pepper Cookie did laugh kinda loud. Once the laugh has disappeared, the air balloon started to take off and fly.

It's been minutes, maybe hours or days. The time they take flying on the ballon, the more faster it gets. However, following this phrase, the team of outlanders in the ballon has finally reached to the Vanilla Kingdom, an huge island floating. The ballon has landed on landing zone which is same as their Kingdom.

When they jumped off from ballon, they got welcomed by Black Raisin Cookie. With her crow on her hand, she smiles and pats her crow. "Welcome, I suppose you got called here?" She exclaimed, expecting the answer.

"That's right! We got called here trough the mailbox, and we are here!" Gingerbrave raises his arm up with his candy cane happily meanwhile the other cookies nodded in agreement, as Custard is shy to meet Pure Vanilla since they saved him from Dark Enchantress Cookie and Cookies of Darkness. It wasn't nice, at all.

Black Raisin chuckled. "As expected. Follow me, you will meet Pure Vanilla Cookie." As she mentioned Custard's father name, Custard himself gets really nervous and more nervous. Chili Pepper, despite of wanting his goods, she helped him calm down by simply patting his head. Wizard Cookie and Strawberry Cookie saw this moment and they are delighted by Chili Pepper's actions. Chili Pepper blushed of embarrassment and stopped patting Custard, crossing his arms and looked away to sky.

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