Why Him?

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Greetings, Writer here.

I do apologize in advance for not updating for a year. Like, I am very, very, very sorry. The readers can blame me for it, and I have no excuses for that.

My school year is over and I am on vacation for three months. It is enough time for me to continue working and writing on the fics, specifically on the new one.

Once again, I do apologize in advance. I didn't mean to leave this story for one year without an update. I know you guys were excited about the new chapter, and I disappointed you guys.

I'm sorry.

On the other side, here's the update.


Don't you remember a mighty, greatest Affogato Cookie being the best mage ever? Surely, he does.

He finally lets this plan work, and he finally defeats the First Watcher, Caramel Arrow Cookie; surprisingly, she is also accompanied by his cousin, Espresso Cookie.. how crazy.

Espresso Cookie, him. His identical pupils... His robes, glasses, whatever he wears!

Disgusting, he thought, his eyes closed, mind full of disaster, and it was all about the Espresso Cookie being the opposite of what he desired.

"Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting! Why would you leave my side, Espresso Cookie? You're going to pay this time, oh mighty Professor!" Affogato Cookie almost breaks the wooden floor with his staff —which is still producing poisonous smoke— by stomping it. Rage engulfed him; he also screamed and then grieved.

Affogato Cookie never felt so betrayed by a member of his family, never felt so shocked and very angry at his cousin. He was his only last family member, after all. Most members have died.

Affogato Cookie sighs straightens his messy hair and his attire, and continues walking through the halls; currently, there aren't the guards inside the castle, even the rooms. Each room is supposed to have at least one guard or knight, or even a Watcher. It looks like, after all, his plan is working, as intended. But the presence of Espresso Cookie ruins his plan, and also his self-esteem. Espresso Cookie! 

Gritting their teeth, he let the staff produce more and more poison clouds; still walking on the long halls, humming.

Humming on how he hates Espresso Cookie.

Will he stop thinking about him? He needs to focus on his plans for someone else! It's a good start, after all.


Affogato Cookie wasn't feeling well. He is mad, right? He's mad at his cousin, his eyes sharply closed off, deep thought again. Why can't he focus on this mission he was requested to? He continued to walk on the long halls, with the chambers and rooms of the castle, and there were still some portraits. If he ever saw a single portrait of Espresso Cookie, he would destroy it. Because he betrayed him. Within destroying, he can burn it, wishing for his downfall; on that thought, Affogato Cookie gave himself a big smile.

But the smile disappeared when he reached the big room chamber. His plan stands on. Next step plan. Poison? Check.

..and he opened the door, encountering two cookies. The former Prince Dark Choco Cookie and a rascal, and he assumes his name is Werewolf Cookie. He has been heard in the past, within the King Dark Cacao Cookie's stories, his son has met a stranger cookie, and the father decided to ground him for "not telling him". 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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