The Investigation

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Caramel Arrow Cookie isn't really sure- she has met Espresso Cookie earlier in the Kingdom and the citadel alongside the Great Chocolate Wall. But she isn't really sure of his magic.

Sure, he's the creator of the Coffee Magic, a professor in a Institute from Parfaedia working alongside Latte Cookie and according to her, the detective Almond Cookie- they all work together in different terms; classes, police shift routines in the whole school- but what makes Caramel Arrow Cookie concerned is his magic.

First, how is his magic too powerful, yet his beans are really hot and are flaming as if they were about to explode? Will he be exploding the Dark Cacao Kingdo.. no, not this question- will he explode the Milk Village?!

Swirling with many questions and concerns about the mage, she zoned out that she forgot to find the named Cookie- Espresso Cookie is located inside the Kingdom, in the guest room, probably doing his research without permission from The Majesty.

Sighing in defeat, she realized that she wasn't in the guest room, or the kingdom either. Instead she is met by the whole Cacao Kingdom Village inside the citadel; there're many happy villagers, small Cookies playing around with ropes and hard chocolate toys- even there's people on merchant selling on what they want to sell. As if they're enjoying life on their normal day.

She probably thought too much on this ordinary Cookie, maybe giving a chance on the said mage would be really fine, nothing could go wrong.

"Nothing could go wrong, right?" Caramel Arrow Cookie mumbled, talking to herself. Crossing her arms due to cold temperatures, she started to head to the castle.

Upon heading to the insides of the castle, she met Pure Vanilla Cookie with his sunflower-like staff handler on hand and his usual attire; white-gray blending with dark brown dropping under his cape and his blue triple ice cream shaped soul jam in his neck. He noticed Caramel Arrow Cookie entering the castle through the doors and the Watchers protecting it from the villagers.

"Welcome here, Caramel Arrow Cookie," Pure Vanilla Cookie greeted her with the warmest smile he could do for everyone- even for the workers. "You walked really out of the castle without noticing me. What has really caught you?"

She walked out earlier without noticing Pure Vanilla Cookie. Now that is disrespectful of a First Watcher, in front of the best healer and The Majesty's friend..

Caramel Arrow Cookie bowed. "I apologize about my issue to you- I was zoned out," She stood straight up, as her smile was gone. "I have a mission from The Majesty, I assume you know the details."

"Oh! The letter.." Pure Vanilla Cookie opened his eyes showing different colors; light yellow and pastel blue- they're beautiful as always from Pure Vanilla Cookie, no wonder every cookie used to like him in his past. "Yes, I am aware of that."

"Huh, you're aware?" Caramel Arrow Cookie shows her confusion, raising her brow. "I'm concerned about certain Cookie, I assume.."

"Espresso Cookie? He may sound serious," Pure Vanilla Cookie giggled, his sunflower staff's cyclops eye rolls around. "He is fun, I must say. He's loving and caring."

"You talked with him?" Caramel Arrow Cookie's brows raised. "No- what I mean is his magic. His magic is unstable, he could probably destroy Milk Village."

Pure Vanilla Cookie smiled radiantly. "Ooh, his unstable magic, you say," Pure Vanilla Cookie walks to the main room - the throne room. "Follow me. I will explain about the unstable magic you say."

Caramel Arrow Cookie nodded; she decided to follow him, heading to the throne room

Pure Vanilla Cookie prepared beverages for the breakfast in the throne room- two long tables, at least six zabutons each table with matching colors; dark purple, light gray and there is a throne for the King Dark Cacao Cookie, in front of the tables. Caramel Arrow Cookie is really surprised by the organization he prepared for, as if he prepared for a whole meeting between the Watchers, the healers and The Majesty himself.

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