The Truth They Keep

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Anyways, wohoo! Legal (?) and nice chapter names! Can't wait (Why am I excited?) to write the new names.. Uehaoshakshwj.

Enjoy the chapter here. It's 7 if you want to ask.



The winds and snow hit the small team, even with Espresso Cookie and Latte Cookie. Not much with Espresso Cookie — his body is always warm and steady, as if he was prepared for snow. The shivers on earlier when they arrived? He didn't expect a cold place, he didn't know about the Dark Cacao Kingdom since he was from the Republic alongside Madeleine Cookie.

Now, he is wasting time. On a mission. With the Cookie he despised in his life, Eclair Cookie. He is glad Latte has joined him in a mission, an exception is her annoying remarks.

However, in his perspective, he didn't know the royalty. Only he knew the royalty in the Republic, the Queen or King, blah, blah. He hates this kind of royalty in the Republic, but in Dark Cacao Kingdom is far different. Yes, he is the sole king. History says, he disowned a son of his during the Dark Flour War.

Shaking his head, no more dark mind. He focused on the mission as he was walking with the cookies. The walking continued on until Caramel Arrow Cookie halted. "Caramel Arrow Cookie," asks Eclair Cookie confusedly. "Are you fine as well?"

She sighed for a second then she nodded, worriedly. Kumiho, in her fox form as she couldn't show her expressions, smiled. Latte sighed as she focused on Espresso, his brother. She could do anything to protect her brother despite being younger than Espresso.

Ugh! Could he focus on a mission for a moment? Espresso sighed as Caramel Arrow Cookie continued walking and following the old footsteps in snow as earlier of the incident. It would look like it was earlier, but oh might Witches, it looked so, so old and it's still touched.

The walking continued until the team encountered a spot of strawberry jam, then a trail of it leading to a house in ruins. No one could feel Caramel Arrow shaking, scared. No one could ever, but everyone knows.

"The.. strawberry jam.. it's still here in snow and ground.. I.." Caramel Arrow couldn't talk more, shaking even more. As the First Watcher, she could face her fears and become the warrior, loyalist. An issue, that she couldn't face the pain of her ex best friend. Everyone behind Caramel Arrow Cookie has their eyes widened, shocked. Espresso Cookie couldn't believe anymore, the fact he is helping on investigating something, then saw the blood after some minutes. He is feeling lightheaded, a bit.

Latte Cookie couldn't take anymore. She thought she was prepared for something dreadful. As Pure Vanilla Cookie mentioned earlier,

"Cookies, welcome. I am Pure Vanilla of Vanilla Kingdom, and I am here to tell you a little story,

Be aware, this story is dreadful. I say more dreadful and awful than anyone could ever think. Don't dare say a word about it being easy, it won't, dear.

A cookie is hurt; malnourished, in pain, sick. He came back from the forest, in a ruined place. I check on him every day, tend his wounds but he isn't grateful as always. I need your help as an extra of your mission, on why he is never grateful for any Cookie. Even with his closest friends. He used to be grateful as I remember.

I.. there is something you would NOT want to see. Once you've found the footsteps, you know. A truth,

that some Cookies keep it."

I guess a 'small story' could lead to bigger revelations. Worse, the story remained true. Why remained true? Espresso sighed, as he saw the trail of blood nervously.

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