Fragile Father

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I AM SORRY FOR NOT POSTING THE CHAPTER AT EXPECTED DAY! I was busy working on homeworks, okay? I was busy having fun with my family.

With this apologize, I have finally written it and ready to post right now!


Also, I finally made fluff and angst chapter this time. Hope you enjoyed it, I am going to take a small break then continue on this story!



It was the night. The stars on the sky are present, shining the night and the moon too. In the Dark Cacao Kingdom, the Cookies are asleep, as Dark Choco is included. However..

The father, Dark Cacao, woke up with sweats on his forehead and breathing heavily. He looked around the bedroom for any threats, but there is nothing but the candles lighting the bedroom a bit. He sighed, "Thanks. It was a dream.." he thought. The crown was placed on a table with cushion below of the crown, being protected by a glass wall from falling.

He half opened the curtains. It wasn't the day, even the dawn. The sky is beautiful dark blue with stars and the moon lighting. He enjoyed the view, with the instant memory of himself and his son.

Dark Choco Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie were laying down in the ground of the beach, in a long time. Dark Choco Cookie is hardly expressing cookie, as he is expressionless as his father. Within this, Dark Cacao Cookie always tried to lighten him with the chat at this night on beach. He doesn't remember if it was after training or not. He doesn't remember him either.

He sighed with exhaustion as he closed the curtains. His hair is seriously messy when he is awake and got up from his bed as he is needed to brush his hair again to sleep. With this issue, he found the hair brusher in the drawer on side of the bed, picking it up. Once picked up, he started to slowly bruh his hair, concentrated. His long hair is what made brushing hair really difficult.

Meanwhile brushing his hair, he heard the scream.

A scream, a scream in agony, fear, and guilt.

He thought it would be Dark Choco Cookie, he tried to recognize the scream, but failed due of the doors being closed in his bedroom - as the bedroom of his is really huge, with the queen bed, bunch of drawers, portraits hanging on walls, candles, and even a table with crown in it - but he decided to check on him.

He rushed to get slippers, leaving the hair brusher to the bed despite of his hair still messy. Yes, he is still on pajamas, a comfortable one. Then he opened the door to exit from his own bedroom to find Dark Choco's bedroom. The door was half opened.

He opened to encounter Dark Choco awake with his red eye glowing. He was sweating and sobbing, hurting his body, trying to sit in the bed. He saw Dark Cacao in shock. And Dark Cacao is in shock.

He is hurt.

Dark Cacao Cookie rushed to his son, "Are you alright?!" He exclaimed worriedly. Dark Choco doesn't answer him but his body is shaking quickly, as he continued to sob. Dark Cacao is getting more, more worried about his son. His main concern is his son. Not this castle!

"Tell me, Dark Choco Cookie," He said softly, slowly putting his hand on Dark Choco's shoulder, feeling his shaky body. His body twitched when his hand touched him as if Dark Cacao Cookie never touched his son. "Are you alright?" He asked.

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