A healer!

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Hawks POV:

I don't really know what happened. Me and Endeavor were actually chasing a villain and next thing I know, I got hit by something and I was already in a pretty badly shape so this was definitelly not something good. HECK NO! I couldn't stay up in the air and crashed. Don't know what happened after that but all I know is that warm feeling and then I felt soo refreshed. 

What just happened?

I am pretty sure I was hurt a lot....

Why do I feel soo refreshed?

Did someone heal me?

But who?

It's literally 1 a.m.!

A vigilante?


I don't know any vigilante who has a healing quirk!

Thats way too rare for a person to have and there is no vigilante that has it. 

Then a civilian but they would have stayed wouldn't they?

Once I opened my eyes, I saw someone fly away and this white-pinkish feather was slowly rocking back and forth as it was falling down to the ground.

A feather?

So a angel came down from heaven and healed me?

Aww it's soo soft and cute!

And wow!

It feels soo warm!

I just grabbed the feather without much thought and looked at the direction where the person was flying away but there wasn't anything there anymore.

Did I see wrong?


I am pretty sure there was a person there with wings?!


There is another person with wings?

I have to know them!

I am curious about them!

But where did they go?

Looking around, I couldn't see anyone there but this white and very light pink feather was actially feeling warm to the touch and it had to come from somewhere. It couldn't have just teleported here or just appeared here. There was no way that this was just appearing from thin air. 

They can't be far away yet!

I should be able to find them.

Now that my wounds are healed.... ther shouldn't be a problem flying after them.

I am sure Endeavor has the villain under controll!

And if not.. welp his problem not mine!

The villain escaped  him to begin with!

So I decided to go and have a look around since I was the fastest hero and I would very much like to thank them. However for that I would first need to find the person and so I started flying towards the direction I thought and saw this feather slowly come down. 

It was the direction towards the next hospital which was also known as to be able to perform miracles. However little people know that this hospital was own by the hero commission and is actually mostly for heroes to use. They don't take everyone in especially if you can't pay up.

Snow (Hawks Sister) (Healer )Where stories live. Discover now