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Right after the hero escorted me back home, it didn't take long for me to actually book it from that place. I was certainly not soo keen on dying yet to stay there. My parents were set on killing me the moment I entered the house again.

I swear!

I could!


How can they do that?

Like what parents do that?

Are they straight from hell or something=

Can I please get them behind bars.... Ohh wait no!

I can't because of my own quirk!

Yeah... why did I had to have a healing quirk?

At first everything was good and they thanked Eraserhead but once he left, they grabbed me by my hand and pulled me to the next room where they used a vase to knock me out or tried to knock me out. Knifes came flying at me inlcuding frying pans and so on. 

Why throw things at me!

I am not a magnet!

I won't catch a knife too!

The fucking hell!

I hate them!

I am soo out of there!

Don't think you will ever see me again!

I had a baseball bat that was constantly hitting me and I have had it with them. There was no way I would stay back and let them kill me. After staying away from them for a bit, I now knew exactly how it feels to be free and not to be scared to get killed.

This was the reason why I stood up and dashed out the moment I could do that even if it meant breaking the window and then flying away to the hospital, I soo treasured. Thankfully the staff already knew about my conditions and everything so they were not shocked when they saw me all beaten up.

Nurse: Again!

Me: Yeah....

Nurse: Honey, you should just stay here.

Me: I will.

Nurse: I am honestly concer- Wait you will.

Me: Yeah. There is no way I will go back there.

Nurse: Oh my god finally!

Me: Yeah it was about time.

Nurse: I'll prepare a room for ya and no one will know.

Nurse 2: Yup. You are our little angel anyways.

Nurse 6: Why not simply stay at our dorm floor? They never check and we have enough space.

Nurse 4: What a good idea!

Me: Sounds good to me if it doesn't get you all into troubles.

Nurse 2: Noo way.

Me: Where are the kids today?

Nurse 7: I'll show ya.

Me: Thanks.

I was passing some hallways with this nurse until we got to the kids section that needed the most help. There I immediately went to work and healed every single kid in the section. At this point the staff was making sure to put all the very sick people in a section with a window where my light could hit them cause that was basically all it took for them to heal. The energy my wings were literally radiating and this was how I was walking down the whole hallway.

Nurse 7: Thanks again.

Me: For what?

Nurse 7: Healing them. I know no one is ever thanking you besides us so let me thank you instead of them.

Me: It's okay. I don't expect to get anything in return even a thank you. They deserve some care after all.

Nurse 7: And you some moon light. You should get out and up on the roof to chill a bit.

Me: Thanks I will.

Nurse 7: Oh before I forget. We all are doing a daily bento for ya and since we never know when you come over.... well today was my turn so here you go and I hope you will like it.

Me: Thank you!

I thankfully took the food from her and went up to the roof where I just layed on the ground with open wings and tried to gather what little bit of light I could get kinda like a plant just that it was night not day.

Hawks: What ya doing feathers?

Me: Photosynthesis.


Me: Why you here?

Hawks: I was searching for you ever after I got informed that you vanished.

Me: Ohh that.

Hawks: Why did you vanish?

Me: I didn't wanted to get you in trouble.

Hawks: Kid, let me tell ya something. You are now offically in my parenthood.

Me: Huh?

Hawks: I pulled some strings and you know I couldn't leave you be after finding out that you are my sister.


Hawks: Yeah... I am sorry that it took me soo long. I never knew I had a sister.

Me: But what about our parents then? Why you not with them, why did they abandone me?

Hawks: First off, they sold me. Second I don't know. I don't know why they would do something like this too such a sweet girl but you know what? I am happy that I got ya now.

Me: You are not joking..... right?

Hawks: Not.

Me: Then we.... really..... are siblings?

Hawks: Yes and thanks to that you are in my care now.

Me: ....

Hawks: Now tell me who the heck did make you look like that? Was it Touya or Shoto?

Me: None of them. I went back home.

Hawks: I am soo killing them.

Me: Don't! They are not worth it! Besides I can heal myself.

Hawks: That is not the point.

Me: It fine.

Hawks: Kiddo no it not.

Me: But it is!

Hawks: *Sigh* I give up. You just healed yourself.

Me: Mhm!

He landed on the roof after hovering above me and looking down at me for some time. Right after that he decided to lay down like me and just watch the stars. At some point a nurse came and made a snap shot of us and Hawks had to beg her to send him that photo or post it and tagging him. 

Well this was how I ended up staying with Hawks away... far far away from these psychopaths!

At least I was out and safe now!

Snow (Hawks Sister) (Healer )Where stories live. Discover now