Out of here!

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The moment I woke up I found myself in the same room I once woke up but it was pitch black outside and the room was completely dark by now.

I wonder why I am here...

How did this even go so far that I ended up in here.

I stood up from the bed and looked around. There was no one in the room beside me and all of the sudden I remebered the hospital and the kids that I wanted to visit. They were ill and that not a little bit. There was one kid that I especially wanted to care off because they were close to dying. 

I need to get out of here!

I need to go and see the kids!

I hope they didn't gave up.

I have too!

Without much thinking of what would happen to me, I went to the window and just yeeted myeself out and started flying away. It was indeed in the middle of the night and I could feel the cold breeze that was coming with it.

Once I was close to the hospital, I decided to land and walk towards it since I was still not allowed to use my quirk in pupblic but hey try forbidding a kid with wings to fly. That was basically impossible. I felt not only the need to be in the air but also free. Without this feeling I was sure to go crazy after a while.

Just a house block away from the hospital, all of the sudden I could hear something coming from an alley and I couldn't help and be curious after seeing a woman running out of it.

Woman: RUN KID!

She ran passed me and I ignored what she said. If I was about to die today than why not. It was a rather nice day too. I was not beat up and I had a good sleep and Endeavor was really a nice hero not how I expected him to be at all.

???: ARG!

I heard some weird noises coming from the alley and as I was approaching it, a couple of people with hoodies began running out of it.

???: MOVE!

One of them ran into me and pushed me to the side which made me fall down.

Me (whispering): Rude.

However I could see that they were covered in blood and I remembered the woman don't having any on her which meant that there was another person in that alley.

Me: Oh no!

Before I knew it, I was running towards the alley and finally managed to get to it. There I found a man dressed completely in black with wild hair laying on the ground. Blood was all around him and I quickly ran to his side.

Me: Ahm Sir? Can you hear me?

He didn't respond to me at all. His breathing was fast and even though I didn't know anything about medicine or medical conditioned I could tell that he was badly injured. Otherwise there wouldn't be soo much blood.

Me: Please don't die!

The moment I said that I felt warmth flowing through me and passing to the man as I was touching his wound. I used my quirk on him and my wings started glowing a nice warm white.  This was after all the only thing I could do for this guy which was nearly dying.

Before I knew it, the wound in front of me started closing itself. Now normally I would heal a room filled with people now that I healed this man, I knew I needed some time to be able to go to the hospital and heal the rest of them but this was worth it. 

I knew who this person was since I was flying in the night. This was no other than Eraserhead, an underground hero.

The moment I started to back away a bit to see if he was all right again in combination with me being the clumsy person I am, I managed to lose my footing over an empty glass bottle and fell down.


My wings were closed behind my back and I was now laying in a little pile of garbage since the man was basically laying close to it. I was just dumb and fell into while crouching to his side and then trying to stand up.... Well that happens right?

It wasn't even seconds later that I heard the man stand up and saw him offering me a hand up.

Eraserhead: Kid, did you just save me?

Me: No.

Eraserhead: No?

Me: I only just found you...

Eraserhead: ... Is that so?

Me: Hm.

Eraserhead: Then what about the blood on your hand?

Me: .... I am sorry.

Eraserhead: Why are you sorry.

Me: I know I am not allowed to use my quirk in public but you looked hurt and I couldn't help it cause you were close to dying.

I accepted the hand and he helped me up. The moment I was up, I could see him looking at my  wings and the blood I had on me thanks to him.

Shouldn't give him away that I knew him cause that would be more than sus....

Me: Anyways I am happy to see that you are okay now, Sir.

Eraserhead: Eraserhead. I am a pro hero.

Me: Oh that's soo cool!

There was one rule I was living by and that was never trust anyone besides yourself. So the moment I saw him up and looking like he just came back from the dead, I was ready to go back to my own business and get to the hospital to heal the other kids inside.

He was watching me and I could see his gaze on me.

Me: Do you need me to call an ambulance for you?

Eraserhead: That won't be necessary thanks to you.

Me: Well then it was nice meeting an actual underground pro hero for once. It's a one in a life time opportunity after all.

Eraserhead: How did you know I was an underground pro hero? All I said was that I was a hero.

Me: Look Eraserhead-sama you are wearing all black and are out this late at night not to mention that you are not known by the public or I would have heard about you.

Eraserhead: So you are a fan of heroes.

Me: Who isn't at this age?

Eraserhead: True. Why are you out at this late of hour kid?

And here was the 1 Million dollar question I didn't wanted to talk about.

Me: Just taking a stroll and saving a random person.

Eraserhead: I'll be walking you home. It's dangerous being outside alone as you can clearly see.

Me: Something like that never happened to me before.

Eraserhead: So you are doing this often?

Me: Walking outside? Yes of course! I am not a shut in!

Eraserhead: Now let's get going, your parents sure must be panicking by now.

If he only knew!

Well in the end I decided to walk back home and to the one home I knew. It was the house my adoptive parents are inside cause as dumb as I was, I didn't know where Endeavor was living or from which house I yeeted myself out. 

Well what a great night indeed.

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