I got a nice little sister!

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Hawks POV:

After I left the little angel back, I couldn't relly get any sleep so I decided I would fly over to the hero commission and ask to turn in a favor someone owed me. Not only that but there was this one thing Endeavor's kids said that didn't let me go. They said she looked like me.

I know how rare people with similar quirks are but was it really just a coincidence that we both had wings?

What if we are more than straingers?

This really is too big of a coincidence.

A kid with wings like mine just a bit fluffier and the colour !

If there wasn't white in them they would be red.

The tip is a bit red too

It's vermilion red... like mine.

I was relly suspicion about her orgin. Only that I didn't know about a sister didn't mean that I didn't had one at all. I was trained by the hero commission and she is an orphan. As far as I know my parents are still alive and kicking. Then the question was why was she alone?

It was ticking me soo off knowing someone abandoned a kid like her. She was soo sweet and she wasn't weak or anything. In fact it was very rare to even have a healing quirk like her. 

Staff: Ohh if it isn't Hawks! What can I do for ya.

Me: I am here for the favor you owe me.

Staff: Oh damn. You killed someone and need me to you know make it as nothing ever happened.

The fuck!

Why should I killed someone!

I am the fastest hero!

I never killed any innocent people on accident too!

What you mean make them dissapear!

I wouldn't come to you if I would need that.

I can make that happen on my own....

Still why!

Me: What?

Staff: It happens even to the best hero. So don't worry I gatcha.


That doesn't happen to heroes!

I can see why you say that looking at All Mights collaterial damage but still!


This is stupid!

Why would I even need you... you know what?

Just let me talk!

Me: No that's nont it-

Staff: Ohh so you still planing on it. Well I can assist you.

Me: NOOOO! I want to adopt a kid.

Staff: HUH?!

Me: I am not here to kill anyone nor did I killed anyone.

Staff: You rellay wanna have a screaming and annoying kid?

Me: Yes.

Staff: Soo why do you need me then? You can just go to an orphanage.

Me: That's the problem. The kid I wanna adopt is out of the system and already adopted but abused.

Staff: Then report them.

Me: Don't have the evidence. 

Staff: Ohh I see... You wanna get rid of the parents.

Me: You an idiot.

Staff: A lot of people say that.

Me: No. What I need is you digging some dirt out so that I can get the kid away from them.

Staff: OHHH why didn't you say that earlier.

Me: Cause you interrupted me.

Staff: Anything else?

Me: Yeah can you actually do a dna test on these feathers.

Just like that I gave him one of my feathes and the white pinkish one from the girl. I was aware that you couldn't get a DNA test on a normal feather but feathers from people with a bird quirk do have their DNA on them. 

I just had to know if she really was my sister or not or if I was just tripping. 

This was way to big of a coincidence after all.

Thankfully I knew the DNA test just takes around half an hour to an hour and so I decided to wait there. Since I was starting to get hungry, I got out to get some chicken and returned. Byt the time I did return, the results were out and the person was waiting for me.

Staff: Say you did some illegal shit or something?

Me: No why?

Staff: She your daughter or something?

Me: So we are blood related?

Staff: Yeah. 

Me: Shit! That damn secret love child theory! 

Staff: So she is your daughter.

Me: No she is my sister.

Staff: ahhh.... need me to keep it a secret?

Me: Yes. I don't want the upper classman to get air about her.

Staff: Gatcha.

After that I watched him burn the peace of paper down with his quirk. Similar to endeavor this guy had a fire quirk but his quirk was literally spitting on the paper and it would catch fire. It was gross but effective to get rid of evidence and I knew he was tight liped so no worries about him spilling the secret at all.

Eventho it was later, I decided to get the papers done for adoption and go to the higher-ups and turn in the papers. It was such an ongoing process since I had to tell them why I the number 3 hero wanted to have a child. Well guess what, Endeavor has a child, All Might is about teaching kids, I wanna have a kid too. That was reason enough for them to let me adobt a child. 

Knowing the hero commission they would let me adopt any child and so I went ahead and filed in a child abuse form since I alredy had enough durt on my little feathers parents and then filled out a form for adoption to offically have her in my care.


Now I can take care of you!

Don't worry!

I will never let anything bad happen to you at all!

I promise!

We are bother and sister after all....

Gosh I feel bad for it.

If I only knew it earlier then you didn't had to suffer this much!

I am so sorry.

Snow (Hawks Sister) (Healer )Where stories live. Discover now