Come back brother....

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It's already been a while since I last saw Hawks. Like it's been 2 weeks now and all I could do was worry about the only family I have. He never told me for how long but since he will be undercover I was having a hard time accepting that. He was my brother and he saved me but yet here he was gone because of me.


I pray that you are safe!


Don't get injured or killed!

What should I do without you?

You are everything that I've left.

Each night at around 3 a.m. I was sending all the energy I had to him so that he would recover from whatever injury or hardship he went through. It was tiring but he was the one person that I cherished more than anything else.

When will you come back?

Are you even doing well?

Are you coming back?

You said it would gtake you weeks.

But I can't stand it anymore.

It was true. I was losing sleep because of this. Normally I would stay awake till 3 am and try my best to reconnect withthe feather he had. Never did I manage that but that didn't mean I couldn't use it in order to heal and recover him from fatige or quirk drawback at all. So my feather had some kind of use too.

Other than that I was haunted by nightmares telling me how useless I am. Thry whisper and taunt me that my beloved brother is dead and that it was my fault.

Please get back to me soon brother.

The Todoroki's are nit bad and everything but I need you brother.

I can gladly take anything just come back to me.

You think I don't know that the hero commission is punishing you with this task?

I know they send you because of me.

You refused them so many times when they asked you to bring me along....

I am thankful for that but brother...

I can deal with worse things.

Even if I break, I will recover with your help.

I at least can recover....

So please get back to me.

Each night for these 2 weeks I was praying to my brother having his feather in my hand and just wishing for him to get back to me. I knew that it wasn't that simple of a task but I had to do something and this was the only thing I could do to easy my worries.

At this point I was so glad I had the feather. There wasn't even a place I don't take it with me. I felt lonely and hopelessly lost without it.

It was my very own safety rope for not going insane.

As I was praying I could hear a knovk on my room and I immediately jumped into my bed and u der the blankets. I knew who this was and why they were here.

Endeavor: Akari?

The door slowly opened as I layed in the bed and started faking being asleep. However there was no one I could fool with this act.

Endeavor: Can't sleep again huh?

Me: No...

I sat up right after the hero sat down right next to me. He was holding some warm milk in his hands and the moment I sat up he have it to me.

Me: Thanks.

Endeavor: No problems.

As I started sipping on it, the drink I felt a hand on my leg. He definitely wanted to cheer me up and also reassure me that my brother would be fine. It was the same thing he was doing over and over again for the last 2 weeks ever since my brother went away.

Endeavor: That rooster can take care of himself.

Me: But what if-

Endeavor: He's been through worse. Believe me. Besides this time he has a reason to come back. He would never leave you alone. He loves you too much and you should know that.

Me: But-

Endeavor: Enough buts. You are just over thinking.

Me: ...

Endeavor: You should better go to sleep now. It doesn't do you any good if he comes back but you are sick because of the lack of sleep you get.

Me: I understand.

Endeavor: Good. Now drink up and go to bed for today.

Me: ....

I did as he told me since I knew he was just worried over me and he had a valid point. My brother would hate kt knowing I got sick because of worrying too much over him.

Still I couldn't help it. He was my brother. He was the only blood relative that I had and he was the only one besides the Todoroki family who really truly care for me. I never had that before.

People would normally use me for my quirk but these people worried over me because of me and not my quirk. For me this behavior didn't make any sense but I came soon to accept it si ce it felt good being acknowledged for who I am.

Endeavor: Good night little angel.

Me: Good *yawn* night...

I didn't know why but each time after drinking up the warm milk, I would feel so sleepy and immediately fall asleep. It felt good getting at least a bit of sleep and rest but still my nightmares never end. They continue and haunt me for what little sleep I was getting.

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